Chapter #8 Team bonding

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It's been a few months since we all came to Beacon and got stuck with each other but we have become good friends, although there are still things that need tending to. Team BLAK and team JNPR just got off the arena with JNPR being barely touched while BLAK was handed their own asses on a silver platter. None of us have any physical wounds but our pride is on the edge of death. We all limp into the locker rooms as we get ready to head back to our dorm.  "How the hell are they so in sync it's like their psychic or something!" Lance groaned as he put his gear in a bag.  "They're not psychic you moron, they're working as a team. Meanwhile, we're all still thinking as solo fighters, ever since we started school the only time we worked as a team was when we came up with Shell Shock and that was months ago." I grumble as I reload Death's finger. "Well, that's probably due to our leader!" Angel snarls. Now with 3 pairs of eyes shooting daggers at me I holster death's- finger and face my teammates. "Look I know I haven't been much of a leader but I got an idea. Meet me at the arena doors tomorrow at ten." I say with a smirk.

  Everyone had a very confused expression as I walked out of the locker room and went to talk to Professor Goodwitch. "Professor Goodwitch!" I yell in an attempt to get her attention. "Yes Mr. Cutler?" she says with a tilt of her head. " I wanted to ask something of you. I wanted to know if me and my team could have access to the arena tomorrow?" I ask. "What for, besides don't you want to enjoy your weekend?" She askes. "Yes but as you have seen me and my team haven't exactly been...a team, so I wanted to get access to the arena so that I can run some "Team building" exercises. Because at the moment we can barely agree on what time to set the alarm clock to go off at non the less a team attack." I say while rubbing the back of my neck.  " I see, well alright then I will leave the arena unlocked for you. But only if you clean and lock up afterward, deal" she asks. "Deal!" I say excitedly.  With the stage now set I return to the dorm with a noticeable grin on my face. I swing open the door to find the others all waiting for me. "So what are you planning for tomorrow." Angel asks while she glares at me from the desk. " It's a surprise." I say gleefully. Lance drops the comic book he was reading while lying in bed to reveal the fear in his eyes. "I don't like the way he said that." Lance says with as much fear in his voice as was in his eyes. "Come on Big B tell us, I want to know what gets you this excited~" Krystal says as she clings to my arm. Now I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy where my arm was but I not going to let her know that. I chuckle as I brush her off my arm, grab my lounging clothes, and head to bed. 

"Are we really going to go through with this?" Aaron asked. "Yep, we need them to start acting like a team, or we're gonna have more and more problems going forward." I say in my head. "Ugh, this is gonna suck." Aaron complains. After falling asleep Aaron wakes me up at about 9 so that I can get the arena set up. I slowly tiptoe my way out of the dorm after grabbing my gear. I get to the Arena and open the doors that were unlocked thanks to the Professor. I flick on the lights and see that everything is ready for use. "Setting up Mr. Cutler?" A mature voice says behind me. "By the gods, you scared me!" I yelp. "My apologies but when Glynda told me that she lent the arena to a student for the day I wanted to see what would be going on." He says. " A.K.A. he wants to keep an eye on us to make sure we don't kill each other" Aaron says as he makes himself a seat. For those who haven't caught on yet, Aaron can take whatever form he likes and make his own objects. Much like him, they all look like a black figure with bits of red and white all over it. But he's still in my head so none of this stuff actually exists. Hell, he made an entire lemonade stand once.

Now getting back on track. "I see, well the show won't be starting until 10 so we have about 40 minutes." "Then why don't we have a chat about why you wanted the arena in the first place. " he suggests. " May as well. As I told Professor Goodwitch me and my team are not exactly in sync. Heck, we can't even talk with each other in the slightest since we hate each other. Well to be specific Angel hates men in general so I don't like her because of that. Lance is the biggest pervert I have ever met so him and Angel really don't get along, then there is Krystal she's sweet and gets along fine but she's as stubborn as me and as perverted as Lance, she just hides it better in public. That and I think lance is jealous of me just because Krystal is a lot more fond of me than anyone else. " I explain. " I see. Well as a leader you certainly have your hands full." Ozpin says. " Yeah no kidding, but that's why I came up with this little plan of mine" I say with a mischievous chuckle. Ozpin was about to ask me what I meant but before he could the doors slid open revealing my teammates with all their gear on. Angel in her angelic outfit, Lance in his armor, and Krystal with a pink combat skirt. No, I'm not joking that it, she just has a pink combat skirt with a tight black vest covering her torso. "Ah you're all here already we still had another 35 minutes, but now that you are here we can start" I say as I pull a blindfold out from my dusters inside pocket. "Professor I must recommend getting off the floor if you are going to be staying, things may get a little intense." I say as I look at my team. 

Ozpin simply nods and goes to the seats along the walls of the arena. "Now this is going to be a simple game of tag." I say as I hold out the blindfold. "Tag? Seriously Big B you make us meet you here on our weekend so that we can play tag! Nope, I'm out." Angel complains as she and the others head for the door. I quickly Zoom over to the door and lock it before anyone can even blink. "Woah your fast!" Angel exclaims. I dangle the key and attach the string to the back of my belt. "Ah ah ah, no one leaves unless you all take me down or steal the key from me." I say while waving my finger. "Oh come on man you can't be serious this is 3 on 1." Lance laughs. "I am very aware of how unfair the matchup is so to make up for that I will be blindfolded. " I laugh. "Are you sure you want to do this Big B?" Krystal asks. "I'm certain. You all need to learn how to work with each other before we can work as a team. As for me, I will be following your lead once this is all over. Now, let the games begin in 3...2...1...GO!" I order as I put the blindfold on. 

Now I'm sure you are all wondering if Aaron is being my secret pair of eyes and the answer is no. Angel can see Aaron so she would know that something was up so Aaron isn't giving me his eyes, instead, he's giving me his senses. I can smell their aura and hear their footsteps as well as their heartbeats. So with this I doge and duck all of their attempts to attack me. "The dogpile method, seriously." I laugh as I fly through the air. "Ugh, we need a plan of attack here we can't just keep charging him!" Lance grunts. "As much as it pains me to say Lance is right we need to catch him off guard." Angel grumbles. "Uh, guys you do know you can use your weapons right if you want out of here treat me like an enemy, not a friend. If you aren't trying to kill me this is going to last all day. I can take it trust me, also try not to say your plan out loud when your enemy is right in front of you." I shout from across the room. "Well you heard the man" Lance yells. I hear all of their equipment become active as I get ready to doge. "Hmm, impressive. But I can't help but feel that I've seen this particular exercise somewhere before." Ozpin mumbles as he watches the mayhem unfold. I doge missiles from the front and grenades from the back with a spin sending both Lance and Krystal flying from their teammate's attacks. I hear them both get up as I hear Angel running at me. I assume she had her sword in hand so I doge backward but I'm then suddenly thrown in the air from what feels like gravity dust only to be smacked down to the floor by what feels like Lance's lance as he yells Lockdown as the lance makes contact. 

Lance places his foot on my back and I fell him rip off the key. "Now that is a team move!" Lance yells as I hear Angel and Krystal cheering. "Alright, alright now can you get your foot off me please. "Sorry I can't hear you from down-" I cut him off by upholstering Death's finger and shooting him in the chin. He flies off of me and hits the ground with a thud. I get up, dust myself off, and take off the blindfold. "Next we work on how to act on the battlefield. But for now good job you three, you not only brought me down but you worked together and made a badass new team move in the process." I say cheerfully. "You were quite the match Big B not to mention how you did all that while blindfolded. You've got to teach me how you do that" Krystal says with a sparkle in her eyes. "ugh my jaw, that gonna hurt for the week" Lance groans as he gets back on his feet. "Bonus now Lance won't be able to talk as much for a while" Angel says.  We all laugh as we head out the arena door when a voice calls out. "Oh, Mr. Cutler" I turn and see Ozpin walking down from the seats towards us. While I'm sure you're tired after that spectacular show I do believe that part of the agreement was to clean up after you were done." He says as he hands me a mop and a bucket. "oh I almost forgot, welp I'm sure this will all be done fast if we- " I turn to see that my teammates have already run off. "- work together." I sigh. "Have fun Mr. Cutler" Ozpin says as he closes the door leaving me to the mess. Looking at the mess I am only left with one word in mind" Shit."

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