Chapter #13 New Blood

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After walking into town from the ship we were still a little hungry so we picked up a bowl of noodles on the way from an old man at a cart. He only spoke in grunts but he was nice, he makes a damn good bowl of noodles too. Soon after that, we were at my contacts place, Tukson's book trade. But something was off, the windows were pitch black and I knew he should be open by now. "Lance keep your guard up, something's wrong here." I order. I hover my hand over death's fingers holster as I slowly open the door. Right off the bat, I knew what had happed as I smelled a familiar smell, blood. "No!" I whisper under my breath as I run into the store and see my friend dead with a massive hole in his head. Lance closes the door and turns to see me crouched over my friend's corpse. "What the fuck happened here." Lance says with wide eyes. I stay silent and shed a tear for my friend.  I notice something on what's left of his head, it looks like a boot print. I quickly look around for anything else and find bullet holes near the ceiling just above the counter. "Shit, they're getting cautious." I say as stand up. "What do you mean?" Lance asks. "Tukson here was a mole that was feeding me info on the fangs' current whereabouts in vale and any point of interest. After my last attack, he told me that the fang was starting to look for moles and that they suspected him. He said that he was going to leave for Vacuo tonight but it would seem the fang tightened his leash into a noose." I say wiping tears from my face. "I'm so sorry Big B." Lance says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. The sound of running and a door being kicked open broke the silence between us. "Shit, Follow me and stay close Lance!" I order as we run toward the back of the book shop. 

After finding the back door still swinging I see a man running in the distance and we chase after him. We chase him through the back allies to a dead end. As I expected he was in white fang attire, likely a pair of ears to see to who the info was being leaked to. "Give it up bud your cornered. Come quietly and this won't get messy." I say in an attempt to avoid a fight. "You're not getting me that easily jackass!" He yells as he reveals his claws and starts climbing up the building. "That voice." Lance mutters. "Lance get your head out of the clouds and grab on. I order pointing to my back. Lance grabs on and wraps his arms around my neck as I click my heels and tighten my fists to reveal my claws and boot blades. I quickly climb up the buildings after him and see him jumping across rooftops in the distance. "Shoot him already!" Lance yells as we run after the Fang member. "Not here and in the middle of the day you moron that will bring the vale police to us instead of him!" I yell. We continue the chase all the way down to junior's Bar where the fang has taken refuge. "Oh great, Lance you have your weapon right?" I ask. "No, it's too big to carry around so I left it at home." He says while rubbing the back of his head.  "How good are you with your fists? I ask annoyed. "I'll manage with my semblance alone" He replies. I nod and we head in to find the club empty while I'm not surprised it's still giving out a red flag. I see Junior behind the bar cleaning glasses. "In the back, but I would be careful cause it's a trap." He says while looking up and back at us. "MOVE!" I Shout while shoving Lance out of the way as 15 fang members drop from the ceiling.  

All of them with weapons drawn except for the wolf we were chasing who still has his claws out. "Well, well, well, how the tables have turned. What was it you said "Come quietly and this won't get messy." Well now look who needs to come quietly." He says with a long maniacal laugh following his words. "You really have no Idea who your talking to do you?" Junior says as he continues cleaning glasses. "No need, I'll show them who I am." I say as my eyes turn red and I start walking towards them. "You know you have got to be the dumbest asshole I've meet so far. Your buddy kills my friend, you make me chase your ass all the way across Vale, and now you think that just because you have 14 small fry that I'm just gonna give up. Well, you, my good sir are HORRIBLY MISTAKEN !" I say as I slowly turn into my beast form. All of the small fry charge me but the leader was tackled by Lance. I backhand the group going after me into the wall, soon after one gets behind me and climbs on my back. " Take this!" The grunt yells as she stabs me through the shoulder. I howl in pain and hop on my back, crushing her.  After pulling the blade out of my shoulder another grunt gets up from the pile by the wall and throws his weapon at me. I catch it, throw it to the side and pounce on him. The grunt screams in fear as I lower my head to his and headbutt him unconscious. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I hear from Lance and the leader as they fight. I move to intercept but chains were wrapped around my hands from two grunts. I growl and grab both the chains and pull causing the grunts to crash into each other. "YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID YOU DAMN MUTT!" Lance screams in his fury.  "Ha, I think your friend here is broken." The leader says as he doges all of Lance's punches.  "But he talks too much!" he says as he punches Lance in the stomach sending him to the ground. "LANCE" I scream as I run over to him. I'm stopped as three spears pass through my chest as all the remaining grunts pull me back. With me now restrained the leader walks up to me and boasts about his victory. 

"So this is the great beast that has caused such a stir in the fang. Your nothing to fear, you're just a mindless brute." He says as I am pulled to my knees.  "Maybe but there's one thing you forgot about this mindless brute" I say as a loud bang fills the club with noise. "I didn't come alone." I whisper as he falls to the ground. Looking over behind the leader Lance can be seen with a gun made of aura. I quickly turn and grab the chains connected to the spears and slam them to the floor with all the grunts still holding on to it. After pulling the spears out of my chest I return to my human form. "OH, that's gonna leave a mark." I groan in pain. "Shit, Big B are you okay!" Lance says in fear as he slides over to me. " I'll be fine, just got some new scars is all besides, it's already gone." I say moving my shirt to reveal my wounds are already healed. "Okay how?" he askes in disbelief "Benefits of having two auras anything that doesn't immediately kill you gets healed pretty quick. " I reply. "I call hacks!" Lance yells. We both laugh until we realize that the wolf Faunus was gone. "DAMN IT!" Lance yells in his anger. "Calm down Lance I have a feeling that we'll see him again." I say as I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, big man you think you can clean this up?" I say over my shoulder. "Yeah, yeah my boys will handle it. Thanks for getting blood all over my club at least." Junior says. We walk out of the club and find that it's sunset. "Damn time really fly's when you're having fun doesn't it." Lance says. "Well if we hurry we should still be able to get what we came out here for." I say as I check the time on my scroll. "What like that super expensive coffee that Ozpin wanted, no way we can afford that." He says with a laugh. "We can now." I say as I take out 14 bundles of cash. "When did you-" "I snagged it all while they were unconscious. The fang maybe murdering assholes but they keep their members well paid." I say as I pocket my new cash. 

We walk down to the main shopping area in Vale and walk into a coffee shop that a friend of mine owned. The bell dings as well walk in and the shop owner poked her head out from under the counter by the register. "Oh Benny what a surprise, need something for another stakeout, or did you want to take me up on my offer~" She says as she leans on the counter. "Always good to see you, Lucinda. I'm just here to call in on a favor." I say as I tip my hat. "Aww, ok what did you need?" She asks. "A new item, Black Claw coffee." I reply. "Oh lucky for you I still got three bags left. Will that be all?" She asks. "Yep, oh and uh for the bed." I say as I put 3 bundles of cash in her tip jar. We walk out with a bag full of coffee as we make our way to the landing pads. "Benny?" Lance says in confusion. "Yeah it's her nickname for me, but I like it." I reply. "Also why was she acting like that, and what was the whole bed thing about?" He asks. "When I was doing stakeout I would drink coffee to keep me up so I would come by here shop pretty often. Pretty soon I became her favorite regular and then one night I came in so sleepy that I passed out on my way in. When I woke up I was in her bed in the back of the shop with next to me-" "Are you fucking kidding me!" Lance yells in his jealousy. "Let me finish. She woke up not long after and expressed her worry for me and my health. She offered me a job there as well as a home but obviously, I refused since I didn't want to put her in danger. But we still joke around with each other and are great friends. As for the bed thing, well you're a smart guy you can figure it out." I say with a smug grin on my face. He elbows me in the side and we laugh. "Teach me your ways." He says. "There's no need you already have some who's looking at you." I say as I put my hand in my pocket. "Really who?" He asks like an energetic child. "I can't tell you that, it would ruin the romance." I say smugly. "Come on tell me." Lance says. "No" I reply. "Tell me" He says again. "No" I answer. This continued until we got all the way back to the dorm. "Did you break him?" Angel asks as she brushes her teeth. "I honestly don't know at this point. But if he keeps it up I'm gonna shot him!" I yell at lance which finally shuts him up. "How did he even get like that in the first place?" Krystal asks as she hangs off the side of her bed upside down. "I told him that someone has their eyes on him in a romantic sense." I Groan as I flop on my bed after taking off my clothes and putting on sweat pants. Angel stops brushing her teeth for a few seconds and continues where she left off. "I feel bad for the poor girl." Angel says as she spits out the last bits of toothpaste. "I'm sure you do Angel, I'm sure you do." I mutter as I rollover. 

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