Chapter Thirty-four- The Game We Play

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It was only when the family were all sitting down to dinner that Follows was able to make his move. Pippin batted her eyelids at him as he sat down, and his heart sank a little. He liked to think that one day a woman would be able to batter her eyelids at him without the aid of being drunk or possessed by some other worldly creature.

"Hi, Mr Follows," she said silkily. She'd obviously gotten over the whole cross incident, then.

"Hello, Pippin," he muttered, suddenly becoming extremely interested in the silverware.

"So, how was everyone's day?" Laura asked in an impressive show of cheeriness, passing the dishes around. "Marc?"

"Busy," muttered Marcus, who by some strenuous act of willpower, Follows was sure, had managed to discard his phone for the duration of the meal.

Albert smirked nastily. "There's a surprise."

Marcus frowned, but didn't say anything.

"What about you then, Mr Smart Guy?" Laura asked.

"It was a good, yeah," Albert said in a captivating show of teenage vacantness. "Hung out with the guys."

Follows had no idea who 'the guys' were, but from the look on Laura's face, they weren't the sort of 'guys' who got straight A's and regularly volunteered at animal shelters.

She put down her fork. "Al, you know how I feel about those kids."

Follows was fairly certain Albert did know how she felt about those kids, and he was just as certain that he didn't care.

"Why?" he demanded. "'Cause they haven't got sticks so far up their-"

"Al." Laura didn't exactly raise her voice, but it was enough. A deathly silence settled over the table. "I won't have that sort of talk at dinner."

"Al, apologize to your mother," Marcus pitched in.

"Whatever," Albert muttered, folding his arms in an attempt to show them just how rebellious he was.

Marcus looked around helplessly. This obviously wasn't his area. Business and phones he could handle. Children, he could not.

"Pippin?" Laura asked, her voice straining at the edges. "What about you?"

Pippin beamed under the spotlight. "It was good. I played with my dolls, talked to Bobby-"

"Bobby?" Laura cut her off. "Bobby Steiner? I told you, you weren't allowed to see him anymore."

Pippin glowered at having her moment stolen. "I didn't see him. He came to see me."

"Pippin," Marcus warned, lowering his voice. "If you think we're going to have a repeat of last time, young lady-"

"Are you really one to talk, daddy?" she interrupted smoothly. "What's the name of that girl in the office? Sherrie? The one who wears the tiny skirts? Well, I suppose you would know, wouldn't you?"

Marcus almost choked on his food. Follows was getting the distinct impression he wasn't supposed to be hearing this conversation.

"Pippin!" Laura cried.

"What?" Pippin whined. "It's not my fault daddy likes them young."

Tears sprung into Laura's eyes. "You shut your mouth right now, young lady."

Pippin folded her arms and sniffed.

To Laura's credit, she did a very good job of composing herself. "So, Mr Follows," she said, trying her utmost not to look at Marcus. "What's it like working for the church?"

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