Chapter 1

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In the middle of Texas, in a small town, there lived a boy called Nick. Nick had brown hair with blue eyes. he was 14 years old and had a 11 year old brother kevin. There was a very strange thing about his brother is that he doesn't look alike at all and that Kevin look more like his mother and his father and Nick look like his father only. But this small detail does not prevent nick and his little brother Kevin from becoming close.

One day during the summer vacation, nick was on a video call with his friends Raphaelle and Leo so he could plan a day out with them. Before starting to plan the day each of them were looking for a paper to write ideas for activity to do during that day. Then, nick rushed to his fathers's desk while he helped his mother buy a swimsuit for his little brother. Nick searched for almost a minute when he found an odd paper that seemed very old and was very wrinkled. After reading it, he knew that it was a divorce paper between his father and an unknown woman the year of Nick's. And at the bottom of the paper he can read his name next to his father name and an 3 other name next to the unknown women's name

Nick - if my name is written in this paper then I have to know what is it about
but he decided to wait until his dad get back from the store so he can finish the call with his friends, he stored in the drawer of his bedroom and left again to look for a sheet in his mother's office and this time he found one in less than 2 seconds.

After the facetime with his friends, he goes to his room to open the drawer where he had put the paper. After an hour, his parent was finally back, He didn't wait a second to ask them. So he rushed to them and said:

Nick: - dad i have a question why did my name and yours appears in a divorce sheet

When his dad see the paper his face turned white as a ghost And he responds by stuttering:

Dad: - Ohh m-m-my g-g-god where did you find this paper

Nick: - I find it while searching for a blank paper in your desk

At that time, his father took him to a empty room To explain everything

Dad: -And where to start, Before I married your mother I was living in a Canada in the city of Cobourg where I was living a life with my first wife who I had 2 children with including you. The reason for the presence of your name on this sheet and that during the divorce we divided the custody of our 2 children.

At this moment, Nick's mouth was open-mouthed his jaw could touch the floor because of the intensity of his exclamation, for him all his life was a lie. His supposed mother and brother
was a lie, the two people who for him would never lie to him Was a lie.

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