1. Prince Of Hell

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"Go away!" cried the pathetic human as I rolled my eyes and trailed after it

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"Go away!" cried the pathetic human as I rolled my eyes and trailed after it.

Following the poignant creature, I trap it inside a barricade of inferno and watch the flames lick the already crisp skin of the deceased human. I stand there in the fiery depths of hell and admire my work before bringing this awful human's file to my eye level. "Hmm truly horrible I see..." I mutter to myself before bringing down the walls of fire surrounding the detainee. With a snap of my fingers, the human is strapped to a metal chair as I sit down to have a little chat with it.

"So...Gray Woodhams. Welcome to hell" I chortled; a frown appears on the man before Me's face; I Continue anyway disregarding the foul human's feelings.

"You must've been a pretty shitty person to wound up with the devil himself's son". Shock plasters on the still speechless man's face, I chuckle to myself before continuing

"Ahh let us see, shall we! Hmm, 30 murders, you raped 5 women and you abused a child. Well fuck me sideways your torture sentence is about...let us see, A FUCKING MILLENIUM at the least you foul minded creature"

"I'm not a bad person, I swear to god" the human screeches, I roll my eyes "god can't help you now" I imply with a smirk.

Still seated, I continue.

"Ahh okay, okay, you've got me torturing you on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays and you have one of the step-in demons on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Lucky you!" I Chuckle.

Fear crawls its way onto the plaintive human's face. Dear God, this bores me.

And before you ask, the rumours are not true. My family are all on good terms, in fact, we have family dinners every Monday night to brighten up the shittiest day of the week! I am close with all my uncles: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Camael and Zadkiel, but I am closest with my Aunt Jophiel, she took care of me after my mother sadly passed, she was human but when given the choice of immortality she refused and chose to live out her human life in hell with my father and me. For some odd reason, she did not go to heaven nor hell and it is still a mystery for all of us where she went. We all loved my mother, she passed away when I was 9 and that was 8 years ago. My father: Lucifer went insane as he had lost the love of his life and sadly had never been the same since. Nonetheless, he still does his best as a father and provides me with a lot of love. I took on the role of punishing at 12 years old after my best friend Benny, and I followed one of the demons to their job and let us just say that Benny and I were sick and tired of playgrounds since then.

Benny is a demon and my best friend. My mother befriended one of the demons here when she married my father, and they were inseparable ever since. 3 years later Benny and I popped out about 1 month apart, and since our mothers were best friends Benny and I inherited their friendship and never left each other's side since.


*Monday Family Dinner*

We are all seated at the dinner table with my WHOLE family, including my cousins: Kashton Son of Jophiel, and Amyas Daughter of Raphael. My other uncles decided not to conceive any children which I do not mind as I already enjoy the company of my cousins.

everyone is digging into the feast presented before them and I take advantage of the perfect timing where everyone is here and listening.

I arise and roar "everyone, I have an announcement to make"

10 pairs of eyes dart to me, I clear my throat before announcing.

"Well, I've been thinking lately..."

"Spit it out boy" my uncle Michael rudely interrupts

I glare at him, and he returns the dark look.

"I'm bored of this place, I watch over at the mundane humans just living their lives without a worry in the word and I envy them, I wish to be normal! even if it is just for a few years" I blurt out with no hesitation this time.

my grandfather: God looks at me with curiosity in his eyes and he looks back at my father.

"Lucy, my son. What is your take on this?" he asks my father

"This is preposterous! why would you wish to leave?" my father seethes at me.

I look down at my feet and mumble " I wish to live the life of a human down on earth for some time, just to experience the mundane life"

My father sighs understandingly and looks over to my grandfather for approval, and he nods in agreement.

"You may go" my father announces

a large grin arrives on my face

"But-" he continues " you must bring Benny with you"

I jump up in delight and thank my father and grandfather for granting me my newfound freedom. Just as I was about to say something, I was interrupted by my 2 cousins, "We wish to join as well" they both divulged in unison. I smiled at both of them, we are all as close as can be Benny, Kashton, Amyas and I have been inseparable since birth with me being the oldest and worst influence being Lucifers son and all. I do have a good side though; my mother was an absolute angel (metaphorically though as she was a human).

My grandfather smiles at all his grandchildren booming with delight and we all continue to discuss the conditions of my cousins and I's departure. Thankfully my uncle and Aunt agreed to let them explore the human life on earth with me. Humans are such interesting creatures, but it is the ones who wound up in hell whom I lose all my respect for as they are truly horrible.

After all is discussed, and conditions were made, we continue to indulge in our delicious feast.

the Rules were:

1. never show your powers or true identity to anyone

2. Don't fall in love with anyone

3. Don't cause any trouble

those were the three simple rules. Easy right?


hey guys, it's the author Mia here!

I felt like starting this story off with the son of Lucifer and if this book does well then I will write a prequel on Lucifer and Maddox's mother (whom I've yet to figure out a name for)'s love story and how she died.

Anyways that was the first chapter, how did you like it?

wordcount: 1120 words

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