Chapter 2

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Caedyn pointed to her medication, wondering if she should take the risk or not. She slipped out of the bathroom looking for anything she could use to knock him out after she gets her meds, finding nothing. Shit. She goes back in, thanking the guard, and closes the bathroom door, locking it. In turn, trapping the two in the restroom. She looked up at the guard through her lashes, angrily. She could feel her adrenaline kick in, remembering her training from before her father left. She kicked him first in his crotch, watching him fall to the floor, gripping it. She kicked his chest, making him fall quickly backwards, hitting his head on the edge of the tub. 

The guards eyes shut slowly as he loses consciousness and blood drips down the side of the tub. When she gets out of the restroom, she blockades both the bathroom door and the door to the hallway and reaches under her bed to get her packed bag. She then opened the window, sliding out and jumping. She was only on the second floor, but the grass wasn't anywhere near where her window was, so she had to do a jump and roll maneuver to get down from her roof. Once safely down, She took a run for it, trying and succeeding in getting to a crowded area, then blending in. She fixed her red backpack on her back to make it more comfortable and sighed, relaxing.

Caedyn yawned, stretching and looked at all the elves that surrounded her. Suddenly, she felt sickened by just looking at them. Men. Elves. Human. These bastards are all the fucking same. Doing anything for their own pleasure. Well, fuck them. No one needs them. Ill travel to another kingdom. I've always wanted to see the angelic realm. Perhaps I'll be able to go there. She thought to herself, while walking through the crowd.

Caedyn went to look through some stores, not being out for 13 years. Besides, the last time she went out something.. She tried to remember what happened, but got a splitting headache instead, becoming nauseated. She sat, cooling down and, knowing she may still be able to get caught by her mother, she leaves the shop and begins walking again. 

Cae heard a scream and yelling behind her, and didn't dare look back. That was, until she heard running footsteps getting closer to her. She then turned back, getting ready to dash, and didn't see anyone. "What. The. Fuck." She whisper/ yelled to herself.

Cae has had trouble with seeing or hearing things that weren't there, as well has hearing other voices that weren't even close to being hers in her head. insanely masculine, femenine, somewhere in between, a child voice. All different from her slightly raspy voice, caused by choking. 

She shook, feeling pure hatred for her family and the guard. Jean. I fucking despise you. She thought, seething with pure anger. You could practically see a red aura around her as she thought about him.

"CAEDYN FUCKING GHOSTUN GET YOUR ASS RIGHT BACK HERE!" Caedyn heard her mother shout, and she broke into a run. She accidentally ran into a man, murmuring an apology, quickly and running into an alley, trying to hide from her mother, only to turn and find Jean in front of her. She gets scared, and runs out, but not making it out before getting dragged back by the back of her shirt, in turn choking her. 

She panicked and swung her leg, tripping the guard, in turn making him let go of her hair and she ran again. Out of the alley, gripping her backpack, Caedyn runs, this time succeeding in not bumping into anyone, but she notices someone follow her.

Her stomach problem became a reality when her nerves and anxiety of both crowds and men, especially elves and humans, causes her to puke at a nearby tree. She coughs, looking up at the road.

"Wow that lunch must've been pretty shitty for you to do that huh... u ok girl?" A males voice said behind her. She stood, hiding behind a tree and sneaks a peek at the man. She freezes.

Th-that's the man I drew-


Published: 6.026.2021 at 12.06 am

Word count: 699

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