Chapter 4

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"Wow that lunch must've been pretty shitty for you to do that huh... u ok girl?"


Cae looked at the male in disgust. 'don't talk to me, human.' she spat, getting ugly with him.  'humans like you belong under the earth. like all the rest of the damned elves.' Cae glared at the man who was clearly bigger and stronger than her, but she wasn't thinking correctly and was blinded by rage from the memories a simple act reminded her of.

The male threw up his hands, offering a chuckle and says, "Woah easy there girl, no need for fangs... lucky for you I'm only half human" He added a bit of sass with his words and smirked at Caedyn. He shifted his weight onto his left leg.

'Still look and sound human, so you're a human.'

Noticing the girl is dead serious, V then takes his eyepatch off ignoring the pinch of pain he feels due to the light see look, my eye is golden due to me being a hybrid... I mean you no harm."

Caedyn dragged the mysterious angel man into a nearby alleyway. A cool breeze finding this the perfect time to blow onto Cae, making her shiver since she was barely covered in this lame excuse for an outfit. She stalked up to the tall man, having to get on her tiptoes to reach the back of his head and give it a good whack. She crossed her arms and looked up at him afterwards, looking uneasy and upset. "Are you crazy? An eye like that goes for MILLIONS on the black market!" She said, huffing. "Don't show that here." She began to think of the stories she used to read about beautiful angels and their practically glowing white wings, though most angels that came to Nostalgia had them stolen from them.

Cae had never seen them and doubted they actually existed. 'Could you imagine if this guy had wings?' She thought to herself, chuckling. "Next thing you'll tell me is that you have wings too."

Vergil let out a short laugh, then proceeded to turn in order to make sure that no one was watching them at the moment. "Trust me.'' He said, unfurling his bright white wings. "It'll take a lot more than that to take me down."

Caedyn's whole demeanor changed, looking around quickly and gasping as she gently touched his feathered wings. The texture of the wings made her feel uncomfortable and sick to her stomach, but she looked in awe at the wings anyways.

That was, until a cloth covered her mouth, and her hands were roughly tied behind her back. Her vision started to get blurry, her thoughts becoming fuzzy as she tried not to breathe through the cloth. Cae went from in awe to abandoned puppy dog in a split second, fear enveloping her as she realized what happened.

Jean found her. 'Fuck.' She thought when she was thrown over his shoulder like a sack. "Sorry sir, thank you for entertaining her long enough to find her. I'll be taking me leave now." Jean said to Vergil, turning to leave. When Jean turned, Vergil got to see the terrified expression on Caedyn's face, tears threatening to spill.

'Don't let me go back. Please' she mentally begged, her mouth still gagged. A sense of relief washed over her when they met eyes. Vergil, upon seeing the tears start to fall, grabbed the strange man's shoulder with his metal prosthetic arm, making sure the man couldn't leave his grasp.

Vergils presence got threatening to the point where Cae wanted to run and hide in the corner and apologize repeatedly. He had venom laced in his voice when he said, "you think I'm just going to let you walk away? The girl clearly doesn't want to go with you." The feathers on his wings sharpened, cutting into the ground.

"Why would you want this thing?" Jean holds Cae up be the back of her shirt. "Shes nothing. Just an annoying little doll." Caedyn brought her legs up to feel protected in this situation. "Look at her, worthless." Cae curled up into a tighter ball, shaking from the words that were said about her, especially to a stranger. The embarrassment and sadness she felt in that moment was beyond any of the pain she went through that past 18 years of her life.

Jean tossed her against the nearest brick wall, though Cae was so light she went a little higher against a window, breaking in and falling onto the shards of glass newly broken. "Her Mother doesn't even want her. Leave it be." Jean said, challenging Vergil through words.

Published: 12.17.21 at 5:20 pm

Word count: 778

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