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I look around and I'm in some random bedroom in someones bed. I look around hella confused and I try getting up and getting off the bed but my foot gets caught in the blanket. "FUCK FUCK!" I say yelling kinda and then I fall to the ground. "OW, GOD DAMNIT!" I say out loud. Tate comes rushing into her bedroom and helps me up off the ground. "Hun are you okay???" Tate asks me. "Yeah I guess I'm fine" I say back to her. "Hun you need stay in bed and get some rest, You had a panic attack and you passed out, you need rest" She says to me. "Oh...Okay, fine ill rest" I say with a pouty face. "Hey Tate, have you seen my phone anywhere?" I ask. "No I haven't at all" she says back. "OH SHIT I LEFT IT ON THE SIDE WALK OUT SIDE WHERE YOU MET ME AT, FUCKKKKKKKK" I say panicking. "Calm down, calm down Y/N, Ill go get it okay? You stay here and rest" Tate says to me. "Oh.. Okie!" I say back.

Tate's POV

I shut my bedroom door and go grab my phone off the coffee table in my living area and start walking towards the front door. I lock it behind me and go to the elevator and then I arrive at the ground floor of the building. I exit the building and start walking to the area I met Y/N at. I get there in 25 minutes and I see her phone cracked, laying in the bright sun on the side walk. I pick it up and put it in my pocket and stop by a food place and order food for me and Y/N.


I get up out of bed depressed as hell. I go look around Tate's apartment and enter the kitchen. "Wowwww" I say in amazement looking at her beautiful kitchen. I look around the place more and find her bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and say to myself "I look ugly" and then I start thinking about how I hate my life so fucking much. Then I see a switch-blade knife with stickers on it. Im guessing that's Tate's self-defense knife that she brings with her. I open it and the blade pops out and it looks sharp and shiny as hell. I start crying and then I put it on my arm and start cutting my self kind of deep but not too deep. I do more cuts on my left arm. I start to bleed a lot and then I freak out grabbing gauze and tissues from Tate's medicine cabinet along with some rubbing alcohol and bandaids. I clean up my cuts and patch them up and then I wash my hair in her sink with her shampoo and conditioner. I rinse my hair out and then I dry my hair and put it in a messy bun. Then I go to Tate's room and grab a baggy hoodie and put it on along with some leggings. Then I hide the cuts on my arm with the baggy hoodie. I go sit on the bed hungry as fuck waiting for Tate to get back.

Tate's POV

I finally fucking get the food and I start walking back to the apartment. It takes me about 20 minutes to run back cause I ran this time. I get to the elevator and press the 12th floor button. I finally arrive at the 12th floor and I exit the elevator and start walking to my apartment room. I get to the door and unlock the door and open it and then I close it behind me locking it back. I go to my bedroom where Y/N is at, and I open the door seeing her laying there looking like she just got done crying. "Hey Y/N, Im back!" I say to her. I walk over to the bed after I took off my shoes. I sit on the bed next to Y/N and look at her concerned. "Hey Y/N, why do you look like you just got done crying, is everything alright??" I say to her. She looks at me and says "Mhm....Yeah" with a lying face. "Are you sure Y/N??? Cause it looks like you're lying to me" I say to her. I grab her left hand holding it and I say "You can talk to me about anything bestie" and she yanks her arm back like I just hurt her or something. I look confused and she rubs her arm gently like its hurting. "Hey are you hurt? Lemme look at ur arm" I say to her and I try to grab her hand but she doesn't let me. "What's going on Y/N....?" I say to her. "N-N-Nothing....Tate....It's nothing" she says to me with a lying face. "Mhm sure, Let me look" I say to her and she lets me. I pull up her left sleeve and see deepish cuts on her arm and they look like self harm cutting. "Oh....My....God..." I say with a shocked look. "Bestie you can't be doing this to your self, its not healthy!" I say and I hug her tight and say "Im here for you, and I have a little surprise!". "So....Do you wanna move in with me? WANNA BE ROOMIESSSS??!!!" I Say with excitement. "Sureeeee!" She says back to me.


"Fuck she knows I cut myself now, but at least Im moving in with her" I think to myself. "I can't believe we're roomies now!!!" I say with excitement. We go to the living room and sit down and watch Netflix and eat our dinner Tate picked up. "Oh, Y/N! Here I forgot to give you your phone!" Tate says to me handing me my phone. "Oh thanks!" I say. I try to turn it on but its Broken. "Fuck" I say with a pouty face. "What's wrong hun?" Tate says to me. "Uh my phone doesn't work anymore, it broke" I say back. "Don't worry hun! Ill get you a new one! Tate says to me smiling. "Yayyyy!" I say back. We watch a scary movie and I get super sleepy, and I start falling asleep. I fall over onto Tate's shoulder and lay my head on it. I curl up a little cause Im cold and then I fall asleep.

Tate's POV

I see Y/N starting to get sleepy and I turn the TV volume down so its not too loud. I grab a blanket and wrap it around me and Y/N and turn off the TV. I lay back against the Arm of the couch and grab Y/N and put her on top of me and wrap my arms around her with the blanket on us. I fall asleep but before I do I say "Good night Y/N my angel" with a smile on my face. Then I finally fall asleep. I hear Y/N Whisper back saying "Goodnight Tate". I smile hard.


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