Chapter 2: A Crazy Day

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(TW: Talking about self harm cuts!) Also sorry for the long wait! Im back now! <3 

                                                                                  Enjoy <3


I fall asleep. (Starts dreaming, and it turns into a nightmare). *Starts talking in sleep* "N-N-No mom......P-Please don't do this to me....." Starts yelling in sleep "NO MOM PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!! I'M SORRY!!!!". Starts Crying hard and wakes up really fast. "NO NO PLEASE-" *In mind* "oh... it was just a dream..". Tate wakes up fast as hell and says "Y/N??? are you okay!!!??". I start sobbing really hard and grab Tate and hug her really tight crying on her shoulder. Tate starts running her hands through my hair and says "it's gonna be ok Y/N. Im right here". Tate starts patting my back softly. "Everything gonna be ok Y/N" Tate says to me. I start getting tired again and I yawn. I fall back asleep sitting up while Tate is holding me playing with my hair.

Tate's POV

I wait for Y/N to fall back asleep as i'm playing with her pretty hair. I pick her up gently and carry her to my bedroom. I walk towards my bed and move the blanket out of the way. Then I lay her down on the bed gently and pull the cover over her so she's warm. Then I get next to her in bed and lay down and I whisper "Goodnight Y/N" as i'm smiling. A few minutes later I feel something touch my waist. I feel Y/N moving closer next to me and then feel her wrap her arms around my waist like she's hugging me. Then she lays her head on my shoulder. In my mind: "Awwww she's cuddling me, how cute. Ugh she's so pretty" I think to myself smiling. Then I fall asleep and I feel Y/N grab my hand and she starts holding it. I start to smile and start blushing really hard. I then fall back asleep and turn over and wrap my arms around Y/N's waist and cuddle her and sleep.


I feel Tate turn over and wrap her hands around my waist. In my mind: "OH FUCK OH FUCK. GAY PANIC!!". I start blushing really hard and smile so fucking hard it feels like my mouth is gonna rip. I start getting butterflies in my stomach. I kiss Tate on the forehead and then I whisper and say "I love you Tate, good night". Then I fall asleep. (A few hours later its now 6AM in LA). I start waking up as the sun is starting to rise and I look over at Tate and she's still knocked tf out cold asleep. Then I sneakily get up out of bed not trying to wake up Tate from her beauty sleep and then I walk over to her bathroom and shut the door quietly and softly without slamming it. I see her towel closet in the bathroom and I grab a wash cloth and a body towel. Then I start up the shower and wait for the water to get warm. 1 minute passes by and then its warmed up now, then I step in the shower and shut the big glass door and I start to feel the warm water hitting my naked cold body and then it touches my deepish cuts that I did on my arm yesterday. I shiver a little "Brrrr" and then my cuts start stinging badly like I just got cut really hard. Then I yelp out loud in pain from it. "Owwww! Oww......" I starting crying a little in pain. 

Tate's POV

I wake up from the bright ass sun shining through my big ass windows in my bedroom. I get up from my bed and walk towards my bathroom cause I hear something in there. I hear a faint crying sound, then I open the door, and Y/N is in my shower. I sneak in there to grab my hair brush and hair tie. I hear her crying like she's in pain. I walk over to the bathroom door and pretend like i'm trying to come in the room, and I knock on the door. I hear her instantly stop crying and say "yeah???". I say "it's me Tate, uh can I come in and grab some things real quick?". Then she says "yeah! sure". I say "hey I heard you crying, what's wrong luv?" Y/N says "Oh...My cuts on my arm hurt from the water running on them... it hurts really bad" Y/N says. "Well Y/N its gonna be ok, and when you get out I'll put some ointment on the cuts so they heal right and don't get infected" I say to Y/N. "okay Tate" Y/N says to me. Then I walk out of the bathroom and sit at my make-up table and brush my hair and put it in a pony-tail.


I clean my body and wash my hair really good. Then I turn off the water and grab my towel and dry off. Then I get the hair-dryer/blow-dryer and dry my hair with it. I start brushing my hair too, then I dry it till my hair isn't wet anymore, and I brush it out. then I grab her flat iron and flat iron my hair so its smooth and straight. Then I spray it with some stuff so it doesn't mess up. Then I grab some deodorant and put some on so I don't have smelly arm-pits. "Hey Tate? Can you give me some leggings and a shirt and a hoodie please? I need some clothes" I say kinda loud. "Yeah! Sure thing Y/N!" Tate says back to me. Then a few seconds later I hear her knock on the door and I open it and grab the stack of clothes she got me. Then I put them on and check myself out in her tall mirror. In my mind: "Eh this is kinda cute I guess, but it would look better on Tate of course". Then I grab one of Tate's perfumes and spray my self with some so I smell good, then I open the door and shut off the light. "Hey Tate, how do I look?" I say to her doing a stupid pose. "You look cute as hell- UH I mean you look great Y/N!" Tate says to me with and awkward tone. "Uhhuh sure Tate lol" I say to Tate looking at her smiling with a grin. "Well Tate why don't we cook come breakfast? Well I mean by us I mean you, because I don't know how to cook anything" I say to her laughing a little. 

Tate's POV

"Uhhh sure! Yeah why not? Also don't worry Y/N, I'll teach you how to cook" I say to Y/N. Then I get the ingredients for breakfast and I decide to make Waffles for breakfast. (15 Minutes pass). "Hey Y/N!! I made breakfast! Come sit and eat!" I say kinda loud. Then all I hear is fast foot steps running towards the kitchen and I see its Y/N running into here. "Damn you sure are hungry aren't you?" I say to her. 'Mhm" Y/N says back to me. "Well eat up!" I say to her.


I will update this part either tonight or sometime next week! <3 I hope you enjoyed this New starting of chapter 2! <3. Sorry if its not that good lol, I try to do good. Let me know what you think in the comments! <3

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