The fight.

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James phone went. He got up. "I am sorry. I just get going,"James said in a race! "Where you going?" Leah said. "Just to my house? Why does is matter? Why should you care?" He said growing more angry.

"Are you ok?" Leah said quietly, she was getting almost shy. Then she look at his phone, it was another girl texting. Her name was Jessie. The text read,"Hey babe, I will be at your house in an hour! Love ya. Cant wait to see you!" James and Leah have been best friends forever. Why did he tell her?

Leah got up. "Get out! Just get out!" She said starting to cry! ""Leah why are not even dating what is the problem,"he said sounding like every boy ever! "James, we are best friends and you didn't tell me. You have a girlfriend! And I sitting here falling in love with you!" Leah yelled.

James stood there in shock. "Get out!" Leah said. James rushed down the stairs out the door. She heard his car start but it didn't faze her. She was so angry. She fell to the floor crying, tears were rushing down her face. Then there was a knock.

Her mom was there. "Hey sweetie...May I come in?" her mom said. Leah nodded. Leah told her mom what happened. "Leah, If you love this boy tell him. See you already did! And if he can't see what an amazing girl you are, then he is in the wrong!" her mom said. Leah nodded.

Leah got up as soon as her mom walked out. She laid in her bed. She saw that her phone has been blowing up. It was James. She didn't dare answer, but just to look. The texts read,"I am sorry! Leah come on! Leah, please! I...Leah you have the right to be mad but answer!" Leah set her phone down and went to bed with tears running down her face.

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