Discovery of the Morbid Kind

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Apollo's POV-
     I sighed as I plodded down the hallway from cafeteria to medbay, running a hand through my hair. It was time for dinner, so someone had to go fetch Janet. That was fine with me, I wanted to see Steve anyway. Janet wasn't answering her comm, which meant she would get scolded by Hafu, but she probably just forgot to turn it back on after going to the bathroom. She forgot to turn it off one time and accidentally sang a song about her pooping to everyone on board. We still haven't stopped teasing her about it. I got to the medbay doors and walked in, looking around.
     Janet was nowhere to be seen, which was odd, but she could just be going to the bathroom now. I shrugged to myself as I walked over to Steve, sitting beside his bed. His face was flushed and sweaty again, making me worried. When I had left earlier, his face was closer to his natural skin tone than his suit color, and now it was the opposite. I grabbed the thermometer from the bedside table and gently put it in his mouth. I waited for the beep and then checked it, stiffening at the readout on the small screen.
     It was higher than it had ever been. I quickly put my hand to his forehead, feeling heat radiating from him before my hand even got to it. I mentally cursed out Janet for leaving him here. I was about to get out of the chair to get him an ice pack when a sudden groan made me jump. I whipped around, eyes widening when I saw Steve's face scrunch up a bit before his eyes slowly opened.
    "Steve! Oh my God, you're awake! How do you feel?" He winced and looked at me through bleary eyes. His eyes looked glazed over, as if he wasn't completely there. He looked really, really out of it.
     "I feel like my body is on fire and trying to self destruct, but other than that I'm fine." His words were slurred, some of them so much so that I couldn't understand him at times, but I got the gist. I frowned, worried, and gently pushed his sweaty hair away from his forehead. He gave me a disoriented smile, and shook his head weakly, as if he was trying to clear it.
     "Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I'm gonna go find Janet, okay? We'll make you better, I promise." He just nodded slowly and winced. I was beyond worried for him. He looks like he's on the verge of death. I can't lose him, I just can't. I leaned down and gently kissed his forehead, flinching a bit at how hot his skin was. When I pulled away, I saw that his eyes were halfway closed, and he looked like he'd pass out any second.
     "Stay awake, okay babe? I love you."
     "Love you too..."
     I squeezed his hand once before I stood up and hurried out of the room. Janet, gotta find Janet. I started towards upper engine and reactor, since the nearest bathroom was over there. The doors were closed to upper engine, which confused me, but I shrugged it off and opened both doors. I started down the long hallway when I froze, the sight at the end of the hallway making my heart jump to my throat. I ran down the hallway, skidding to a stop in front of the door to lower engine, and Janet's prone body. I dropped to my knees in the pool of blood, horror filling me as I looked into Janet's wide eyes, frozen open in fear. I didn't have to check her pulse to know she was dead, but I did it anyway. Nothing. She was gone, the bloody hole in her chest was a testament to that. Tears welled up in my eyes and my hands shook as I grabbed for my comm, needing to let everyone know.
     "E-Everyone come t-to reactor, now! Janet's d-dead!"

      Short, I know, but it was a better stopping point than later on in the story. Y'all are in for a ride.

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