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Apollo's POV-

I couldn't stop staring at her body. My mind couldn't comprehend the fact that she was gone. An image of Janet laughing at a joke Steve told popped into my head and tears welled up in my eyes. I gently pulled her limp body to my chest, her head lolling back as if there was nothing left to hold it up. Her long hair fell in a curtain around her head, brushing the ground as I held her. 

"Come on Janet, come on. Come back, please? Come back..."

Footsteps echoed through the corridor as I cried over Janet's body. Who would do this to poor, sweet Janet? I heard a gasp echo behind me and I turned back to see Hafu standing in the corridor behind me, staring at me and Janet in horror as everyone else ran in behind her, more gasps coming from them as they saw her body. Hafu hurried over to me and knelt beside me, looking at Janet's face in sadness. She reached out with one hand and gently closed her eyes as if Janet was simply sleeping. Why did people pretend that the dead were asleep? They aren't. They just aren't. Hafu looked at everyone seriously, her expression grave. 

"We need to have a meeting. Now."

Just as she said that 5up, who was towards the back of the group, turned and made a noise of surprise. He reached for someone I couldn't see and I heard a slurred protest as the man I loved was pulled forward by 5up. 

"Ssstaaaahhp, I can...walk myselllff."

Steve stumbled forward, nearly falling into Ellum, who tried to grab the surprisingly slippery man but failed in doing so. Steve leaned against the wall. His eyes were glazed and he looked like he'd collapse at any moment. He had a sheen of sweat coating his forehead and his face was red. His white t-shirt stuck to his body from the sweat. He still wore the pants of his suit, but not the top or the boots, going barefoot. I'd say he was hot, except for the fact that he looked like he'd pass out in the next minute. Ah, who am I kidding. He's still incredibly hot. I passed Janet off to Hafu and stood up, hurrying over to Steve, who looked at me blearily. He turned his gaze to Janet's body, his eyes widening, and he let out a heart-wrenching wail. He and Janet had always been close, as he had always loved to tease Janet like she was his younger sister. This must be absolutely devastating to him. He tried to stumble towards her, but I grabbed him and held on tight.

"Babe, please. Stay still! You shouldn't be out here, you need to be resting! Why are you out here?!"

"Janet's deeeeaaaaaaaaad! I gotta...gotta find her killerrrr. Detective Steeeeeeeeve!"

He sounded like he'd just had a dose of laughing gas at the dentist's office. I winced and readjusted my grip on him as he sagged into me. 

"You can do that when you're better, okay? Right now, you gotta go back to bed!"

"Nooooooo, Apooolllloooooo!"

I turned back to Hafu, wincing as Steve's overly-warm body pressed into mine, his head falling into the crook of my neck. 

"I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria. I'm gonna take him back to the medbay."

She nodded as she hoisted Janet's body into her arms. The others cleared a path for me as I halfway dragged Steve back to medbay. I laid him down on the bed and pulled the blankets up to his chin, as he was shivering. 

"Stay here, okay? I know you want to help, but the only way for you to do that is to stay here and get some sleep. I love you, babe, I want you to get better. I'll tell you what happened when the meeting is over. Get some sleep. I love you, Steve."

"I lovah yoouuuu, tooooooo!"

I chuckled softly as he gave me a wide, delirious smile. I smiled back and gently kissed his forehead. 

"I'll be right back."

He nodded weakly and I left, hoping that he'd listen to me. I just prayed that whoever killed Janet wouldn't kill Steve, too. 

Okay, so I know this took a while, and I know it's not the best, but I wanted to get you guys something today. The next chapter should be out next week, hopefully Monday. Sorry, I'm terrible at updating. I hope it'll get better when school starts, but probably not. Have a good day <3

I Didn't Want To Do It (Steven Suptic x Dumbdog)Where stories live. Discover now