Chapter 4: Capture the Flag

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We were all eating dinner in the mess hall one day and Chiron got up to the front of the hall, "Attention campers'! I have three notices: Stoll brothers, please do not be pummeling Ares kids from the roofs with water balloons. Next, we will be playing capture the flag tomorrow at 2:00pm exactly and finally, we will be holding a camp dance for all who wish to join next week. Thank you, that is all."

Whispers started to spread throughout the mess hall.

"Yes!" Percy exclaimed, "I love capture the flag!"

***The next day****

We were all standing ready with our teams, we had the Demeter kids, Hermes, Hades, Apollo, Athena and a few that I didn't know.

Anna, Percy and I stood together and put on our armor as Chiron gave us what side we'd be on.

Percy was put on the attack, but they kept us newbies in defense so we weren't killed. Annabeth was back here with us too.

I hear a while and the game begins.

The bushes shake and I hear muffed voices. I spin to look at it and I see Anna out of the corner of my eye look at several campers coming over the hill. I go over to the bushes and see three campers hiding in them. One of them is Maddi. "Just because you're my sister, doesn't mean I'll take it easy on you," I grin.

"You won't need to take it easy on me," She says confidently.

She and the others charge out of the water and I swipe my sword at them. I yank a trident off my charm bracelet and sheath my sword. They step back slightly. They all look at each other and charge all at once. I hit one of them on the back and knock her over, I kick Maddi in the stomach, and block a blow from the third. I swing my trident around and make the girl jump back. Maddi comes fast and ruthlessly. I hit her with the side of my trident and she falls on the ground.

I eventually drive them back so I can help Anna with the other campers. I see Leo burst out of some bushes looking out of breath and had several scratches. He spins his hammer and walks forward. "Hey Brooklyn," He says. "Can I have the flag?"

"Nice try, but no." I grin. "You gotta get past me,"

"All right," He says and he lights himself on fire. I jump back and he laughs.

I focus on the trick Percy was trying to teach Anna and me yesterday. I take a deep breath and feel a deep pull in my gut.

A small geyser opens up behind me and I grab hold of it with my mind. I fling the water at Leo and extinguish his flames. He looks very surprised but reignites himself.

I hold a large ball of water in my hand and chase Leo around with it, both of us laughing. I see Annabeth running over the hill to our base with the red team's flag. Percy was running behind her yelling his favorite war cry, "BONZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!"

I laugh and try to battle the red campers pouring in trying to get the flag. A large Ares boy came running a hundred miles an hour and made a wild tackle towards Annabeth. Percy rammed his shoulder into the boy and threw him away from Annabeth. They both go rolling in the dirt.

A particularly competitive Demeter kid thrusts his hands forward and tangles Annabeth's legs in vines. She goes down and drops the flag. A girl grabs it and runs it back to their side.

I sigh, and I feel a plan coming on.

I go see Anna who is wiping dirt off her hands and onto her jeans. "I got an idea," I say grinning.

"What's the plan?" She asks grinning.

"So if we hide all the way to their flag, it's right next to the lake. So, if we grab the flag then have one of the two of us make a water shield to protect the other one of us.  Then we run all the way back here."

She grins. "Let's do it. On problem though: who will we get to play defense?"

"I have an idea," I say. "STOLLS!!"

The boys come running through the bushes panting.

"Yeah?" Trav gasps through batted breath.

"Will one of you come with us to get the flag and the other one stay here?" I ask.

They perk their eyebrows at us and smile. "Oh yeah,"

"I'll go with you guys to get the flag, Trav is better fighting stationary." Connor says.

"Or maybe it's because he has a crus- oof!" He's cut off when Connor elbows him in the chest.

Connor laugh awkwardly, "Ignore him,"

I raise an eyebrow and grin giving him a look. Then I look pointedly at Anna, who is now studying her watch with intense interest and Connor blushes. My brain puts a sticky note on this moment to bring up with Anna later.

I sneak with Anna and Connor through the bushes to our opponent's side of the field.

When we get there, we decide that I should run and the two of them will protect me.

We hide in a bush and see Clarisse guarding the flag, awesome.

Connor runs out of the bush and yells, "FOR THE HONOR OF THE BEST TEAM!!!!!!"

He distracts Clarisse and Anna and I grab the flag and run as fast as we can all the way to our side of the battlefield.

We plant the flag next to our and I feel Percy lift me onto his shoulders as the horn sounds to end the game. I see Leo come through the bushes.

Percy carries me and the Stoll hoist Anna all the way back to the camp grounds.

We celebrate and do some arts and crafts the rest of the day. I see Anna and Leo talking conspiratorially I go over to Percy.

Later, I'm walking with Anna around the lake. "So what do you want to do tomorrow?" I ask.

"I have an idea," She says mischievously.

"What?" I ask, I see Leo walking near us and wave.

Anna makes a random hand movement like a bird then a clapping dance and points at him then at the ground next to us. I probably look confused and Leo walks over wearing his usual grin.

As soon as he comes within 4 feet of me, I feel Anna's hands against my back and she gives a shove. I fall forward into Leo and he catches me. She laughs maniacally and runs away.

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