Chapter 01: The Girls Of Legend!

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Chapter 01: The Girls Of Legend!

*Tsubasa's POV*

After explaining everything to Nozomi, she had a mix of reactions, but eventually calmed down enough for us to explore the house Suzaku had placed us in together.

It was like any other two bedroom house in the 90's, but the TV wasn't one of those with a wide screen, and there wasn't any of the latest technology, either.

The anime was set in the 90's, so why would there be?

Neither of us had our phones with us either, but it's not a total loss because Nozomi only used hers to listen to music on YouTube, and I only really used it to look at memes and watch anime.

It turns out, Miaka Yuki, her brother Keisuke, and their mom, are our neighbours.

What a strange coincidence, huh?

Miaka and I instantly became friends, which made me so happy because I finally have my very first friend.

It sounds a little sad, I know. But if you know me, you would know that I didn't have a single friend at all when Nozomi and I lived in the real world.

Anyway, the Yuki family thought we had only just moved in...which is technically true, so Keisuke offered to help Nozomi apply for the same university as him so that she could study Chinese Philosophy, since he also studies that topic, too.

You can imagine the look on Nozomi's face when she realised she'll be spending a lot of time with him from now on.

As of which school I'll be applying for, Miaka's mom contacted the school and helped me get into the one Miaka and Yui go to.

Speaking of Yui, I met her on my first day at their school, and it turns out, I was also in their class, too. She seemed very nice, despite the personality change in the middle of the anime. I always knew she wasn't a bad person throughout the entire series.

If anything, it was Nakago and a few other members of the Seiryu Seven who managed to corrupt her head and mess around with her feelings.

I genuinely felt sorry for her at times.

I became friends with Yui since my first day at school, and I became best friends with Yui and Miaka during the first two months of living in their world. The three of us would always do stuff together like go to the arcades, the mall (Even though I hate shopping), and hang out at the park and other places the girls wanted to show me, since I was new to the area.

Yeah, it really didn't take Nozomi and I long to notice that we ended up in the world of Fushigi Yuugi about two months before episode 1 began.

While we're on that topic, Nozomi became friends with both Keisuke and Tetsuya, despite the amount of times Tetsuya tries to hit on Nozomi, only for her to turn him down instantly with no remorse whatsoever and present her middle finger to him each time.

Tetsuya and Keisuke are hilarious when they're together just they were in the series. The only thing I find annoying about Tetsuya though, is that he always likes to poke fun at me because I'm shorter than everyone.

The idiot likes to get a good kick out of it every time he sees me, and had officially dubbed me 'Little Robin' because robins are small, and my name is Japanese for 'wings'...that much is obvious.

But you know what? That's okay, because nickname for him is 'Batboy' instead of 'Batman', simply because he acts like a child in a mans body.

Yeah, turns out, he's a fan of the Batman comic book series. That definitely surprised Nozomi and I, but then it kind of isn't surprising at the same time because this is Tetsuya we're talking about.

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