-Chapter Two-

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Chapter one...
Insert character Kyojuro Rengoku
Insert Character Tengen Uzui
Very Flamboyant loading...

Begin Chapter One...





They both made they're way into the room. 
Tengen gave Kyojuro a quick tour. There was a kitchen, two bathrooms, one bedroom, and a kind of living area. The dorms here were exceptional mainly because this was a very prestigious school. You either had to be rich or get a scholarship. Both of the boys got in on scholarships. Uzui was about to show him where they would sleep, until he realized the other didn't have an baggage? 

"Rengoku, I couldn't help but notice you don't have any bags?"

"Oh! I left them down in the office."

"Oh okay, would you like me to go get them for you?" 

"I'll get them! You've done enough for me!" 

"Okay, I'll leave the door unlocked." 

Rengoku quickly ran out of the dorm.
He was quick, and he was super quiet while running. Uzui didn't even hear him leave! But, he was quite excited to meet someone so energetic.
Also, Uzui was his only friend. So he wouldn't be a second choice! Even though Kyojuro would make friends quite easily, for now it was just the two of them. 

Rengoku stormed back into the room a moment later.
With a small suitcase and a backpack on his back. Didn't seem like much for even the rest of the year. Maybe he was planning on getting new things as the year went on? 

"Is that all?" 

"Yes! I don't need much." 

"Okay, let me show you to the room." 

Uzui walked towards a closed door,
Rengoku quickly following behind. He opened the oak wood door, quickly being hit with the realization...
since Rengoku wasn't planned on joining the school, Uzui's room only had one bed. And knowing this place, it would take a while for them to get him one..

"Sorry there is only one bed, It should fit us both though-"

"It's okay! I'll sleep on the floor!"

"W-What?! No no no, if anything I should." 

"Why? You had it first, it's only fair-" 

"No. No friend of mine will be sleeping on the floor."

"Well I'm not letting you sleep on the floor either."

"How about, we both share the bed?"

"Only if you okay with it, Uzui."

"Of course I am." 

"Perfect! Now where should I put my things?" 

Uzui pointed to a closet opposite of the bed.
There were two closets at least, seeing as the rooms were made to hold two people. Rengoku set the bags down inside, not bothering to empty them out yet. He turned back to Uzui, waiting for any further conversation.

"What you like to do Kyojuro?" 

There wasn't much of a need to ask,
he could hear Rengoku's stomach rumble from the other side the room. He probably hadn't eaten much. He grabbed the blondes hand, leading him down to the ground floor of the building.
They passed a couple of classmates, some of them whispering among themselves. He could've sworn he heard someone say the F-Slur. He grimaced as he led the blonde to a nice restaurant not far from the school. 

They both sat down at a small table,
grabbing the menu's from the canister on the table. They both opened it up and started reading. Uzui wasn't really hungry, but he had a feeling Rengoku would be more comfortable if he wasn't the only one eating. 
He decided on Sushi. Rengoku put the menu down right after he had, a large smile on his face. Why was he so exited? 

"I can tell you like food." 

"How could you not?!"

"I like it as well! You just seem much for excited-" 


"If there anything I can get you two?"

They both turned,
Facing a blonde waitress. She seemed particularly interested in Kyojuro. Surely it's nothing right? Of course. She just want's they're order's. That's all it is. 

"I'll get a serving of the sushi, please."

"And you?~" 


"O-Okay then-" 

The girl quickly left, 
The two men looking back at each other.

"Don't you think she was acting a little weird?" 

"Like what?"

"The way she spoke to you, It just unsettle's me.." 

"Hmm, I'm sure it was just a voice crack!" 

"Yah! Surely no one would speak oddly toward's you!" 

Uzui still felt mildly unsettled,
It seemed Rengoku was quite dense towards this sort of thing. Uzui wasn't. This was the first time he was so interested in a man, a real one anyway's..
Tengen get's what he wants, and in a quite flamboyant way! Seeing as he was a very flamboyant man. Maybe just seeing the girl speak to Kyo was what was odd. He didn't like having thing's of his taken. 

His thoughts deceased as the girl came back with two plates of food.
She set them down, each one in front of who ordered it. She also set out some napkins. Rengoku's was folded in an odd way. 
Maybe it was just a coincidence... He was still uneasy about it though. His suspicion's were proven as Rengoku unfolded it, revealing some neat writing. It read: 
"Hey, Your super cute! If you wanted to go out sometime hmu! ***-****-****"

Rengoku put the napkin in his lap,
Not paying any mind to the word's written. Tengen let out a soft laugh as he started eating. He was about halfway done when he heard some mumbling from across the table. He looked up from his plate.
The mumbles were Rengoku. He seemed to say "Umai!" With every bite he took. Uzui burst out in laughter, Rengoku didn't even move. Well, other than moving to shovel more food in his mouth. 

"Are you good?- Your shoveling that stuff down!" 

"Oh my bad, I must have forgotten to suffocate." 

So he also had some sarcasm! Wonderfullll.... 
They both finished not to long after. The waiter came back, bill in hand. Uzui was about to pay, before Rengoku shoved cash in the girl's face. The girl waked off, ready to give them change. Tengen just stared at him blankly, While Rengoku had a smile. 

"I was gonna pay you know-" 

"This is my way of repaying you! Your not allowed to refuse." 

While it was kind, 
Uzui still was unhappy. He didn't like having other pay for him, but it seem's Kyojuro was the same way. 
They were about to leave, When Tengen heard two people come up behind him. 





"Why hello Tengen." 

Flamboyant boy // Uzuren Story // Normal Life AUWhere stories live. Discover now