Chapter 12

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Kagura allowed you to sob as much as you wanted,

"Anne goe you know better than anyone that zura won't be defeated so easily, he is probably thinking of some stupid way to defeat the bakufu"

You let out a small grin, "hmmm Kagura you probably said the right thing"

You wiped the tear away from your eyes and got up feeling a lot better after crying as much as you wanted.

"Anne wae I am going with sadaharu to find zura" announced kagura

"Can I come with you kagura"

"But it can be dangerous"

"I won't be able to sit here not doing anything I wanna help and put that back into his senses and scold him for scaring us so much"

"Ok but promise me you will scold zura"

"Hai hai I promise"

With that it was decided that you will accompany kagura and sadaharu while elizabeth and shinpachi will find clues near the bridge.

"Anne goe you don't know sadaharu is very good at finding stuffs"

Kagura held your hand knitted thread near his nose. Sadaharu sniffed it and immediately started moving. Sadaharu stopped near a shore. The place had an eerie and dangerous setting to it. It felt as if something wrong was going on. Both Kagura and you noticed various men with swords patrolling the harbor. A big ship was stationed there. Sure you weren't the most experienced person in these kinds of situations but even you could understand this probably wasn't the safest place to be.

Kagura pulled you down and hid both of you behind a barrel. She drew something on paper and have it to sadaharu,

"Sadaharu take this to ginchan no one will bother a little messenger"

Sadaharu quickly left , kagura turned towards you,

"Anne go its going to be really dangerous from I think there is a chance that zura is over here so I am going to take enemies head on you sneak in and search the ship,

Promise the moment you find anything dangerous you will leave the ship and run back to ginchan for help"

With that you both split up, Kagura headed for the front of the deck while you ran to the barrels that were being transported and hid yourself in one of them. After a while you felt someone lift the barrel you were hidden in.

You were finally inside the ship you didn't knew where kagura was but you knew that kagura was from a warrior clan and she was strong enough to handle herself. You had one mission to quickly search the ship for clues and head back. You lifted the lid above you as silently as you could and the moment you did heard two men's voices. You decided it was better to just listen to their conversation than trying to find a way to escape and getting caught and unnecessarily inviting problems to kagura.

"Sorry to bother you while you are in such pain but your guests are here

You've sure got style, Thanks to you just before our big battle with bakufu we have to confront those worthless companions

...Rumor is that you cut down Katsura...And..took on Gintoki in the bargain..."

Hearing the words Katsura and Gintoki were enough to shake you enough that you barely paid any attention to what those two were saying.

You were already recovering from Katsura's disappearance and now he is probably dead and not only that this man hurt Gintoki as well. The truth pushed the knife a knife in your heart deeper, piercing it and devoting it of all hope you had left of seeing katsura alive again. But this incident wasn't a simple one of just hurting katsura, or ronin in general, they were planning to topple the bakufu. But all was not lost judging from the way that person spoke gintoki, it felt as if he wasn't dead but gravely injured. You weren't paying attention to the conversation until you heard the same person speak,

"Don't ever call me their comrade, the connection between us is not as innocent as you think..." and then that person left.

You weren't sure who they were, probably a terrorist group and maybe someone from Katsura's past but you decided none of that mattered. This group was dangerous and you had to make sure that kagura was safe. You decided that you will first ensure kagura is safe and then take revenge for katsura's death with whatever that comrade or their leader was cause he was the one who ordered him to kill katsura and attack gintoki. You had brought a knife with you, sure you weren't a samurai but you didn't know when Katsura became such an important part of your life that you felt incomplete without him, he introduced you to so many good people and you were grateful to it. But now that he wasn't in this world you would rather die trying to avenge the person who killed him and hurted your friends than live in regret that you didn't do anything when you had a chance.Solidifying your resolve you left that dark room.

Suddenly the ship started shaking, something hit the ship. You reached the front of the deck out in the open, there was so much chaos that the soldiers were not even bothered by your presence. Before you could look around you saw a kagura tied to a pole just in front of the ship. You didn't care who you had to fight but you had to save kagura. A bomb dropped from hitting the front of the ship, it didn't hit you and you quickly ran in full speed to see shinpachi barely hanging on to the ship. You quickly grabbed his hand barely managing to keep both of them safe and to make matters worse another bomb hit near the place you were and you also went into a similar position in which shinpachi was. To save all of you Elizabeth came to rescue. Elizabeth quickly pulled all three of you up.

Shinpachi was most shocked to see elizabeth and asked

"Elizabeth why are you here too"

Elizabeth pulled up a sign , "it's a long story"

Not even one second passed and Elizabeth was cut in half.

Being shocked would be an understatement, he was the same person who was talking about killing katsura and gintoki. He had a terrifying aura surrounding him (insert takasugi bgm and his *dun dun*). You had decided that you wanted to take revenge against him but you were so terrified to even move your lips.

"Hey, Hey since when did this place became a playground for cosplay, its not a place for women and kids. Little brats aren't allowed here"

With lightning speed sword slashed the chest of the person in front of you.

It was not the attack that scared you but the voice and the words arising from elizabeth's lower body, "I am not a brat I am katsura" (gakkki janai katsura da)

NOTE : Happy zura dayyy ahhhh one more chapter updated go ahead and read :)

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