Chapter 3

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You didn't exactly know why but you were excited to know about this person named katsura. A joui who saves you from a bomb, likes cats, has an amanto by his side. Jouishisi have an image among the common people, ruthless people who in the name of patriotism plunder stores, murder people, and have a sword around their waist in sword ban, with zero ounce of actual courage and will to do good for the country.

You opened your shop at the usual time, you usually don't dress up but since today you invited a guest you decided to put minimal makeup and tied your hair in a bun leaving a strand in front of your face. But you own a pet cafe so your hair and get is bound to get messy. You didn't expect katsura to show up early but you expected him to show up eventually. There was no sign of him.

You said to yourself, " How foolish of me to think he will actually show up, he is a jouishishi, he won't trust you easily, what if he thinks you are helping shinsengumi..." You kept on thinking and saying stuff like this to yourself when the girl who works at your cafe shaked you from your dreamland , "It's time for us to close the shop, should I close it for you."

"You can go early today, I need to do something."

Mayura who works at your place nodded and left the place.

You waited for like 15 more minutes but it was getting dark so you decided you should pack up as walking too late at night is not safe. You had locked everything up, given food to your pets and was outside your shop when you saw a familiar tall figure standing outside, it was katsura.

" You came ..."

"It's not you came, it's katsura."

He was not wearing his monk outfit anymore, he wore a dark blue kimono and lighter blue haori, with his sword sheathed proudly around his waist. He still had a straw hat to conceal his identity but when he stood there he looked like a samurai, a samurai needed to be feared from. His intimidation was over the second he opened his mouth,

"Y/n dono sorry, I was busy but am I too late to visit ?"

It was late no doubt but you were not sure if you will ever meet him again, this meeting also didn't make sense, so after a slight thought you replied,

"It's definitely late but I will make an excuse just this once."

"Thankyou y/n dono" he said with his eyes brightening up.

You opened the cafe again gesturing him to step inside while you secured the gate so that there are no other people, not that people come this late anyway. You mostly had cats in there and they were all sleeping by this time. You switched on the lights, all the cats gathered around you.

"Today I will have balls of flesh accept me as their leader," Katsura said almost blushing.

You looked at him while he said that hoping he will correct what he said. He didn't so you just started petting your cats.

He tried to pet one of the cats but the cat just bit him. Then he tried again with a toy and got nothing but their claws in return. He tried one last time to hold one of them in his lap and it jumped on his face, making his hat fall. He sighed, "maybe not today."

You laughed a little for he did not know how to handle them so you asked him to follow you. You told him to approach the cat from their belly and then start patting them so that they don't run away. He followed you and finally got a hold of shiro and shiro allowed him to pat it.

He smiled happily, while petting Shiro sitting on his lap. Before you knew it you were just looking at him. You were not sure if shiro looked more cute or him. His large hands could almost fit shiro in his hands. He had kept his sword aside. He looked so calm, his hair brushed Shiro's body, bangs covering his entire forehead.

He lifted his face now looking at you, his olive-brown orbs now looking into you E/C orbs.

"Thank You so much for today," followed by a smile.

You felt blood gushing your face, tinting them pink. You snapped yourself for a second and replied, "My pleasure."

You both didn't realise but you had been there for more than two hours. Both of you didn't mind it but it was pretty late. You got up and went inside to get something. He looked at you and followed you inside. You went inside to check and pack everything before closing the shop and turned around to see him. You were now facing him, so close.

"Can I help you with anything, y/n dono ?"

"I am just packing things up just wait for me outside,"

"As you wish" he left and waited in the main parlour.

You came out after a few minutes. He was just there standing, waiting for you. When he saw you he spoke,

"Y/n dono thank you so much for today, I certainly don't understand why you will do me such a big favour, Can I please do something for you."

"It is my way of thanking you for getting Shiro back to me" you said although he had technically saved your life.

You were both outside.

"Thankyou for accepting my invitation, I am really glad you came, then I shall be going home."

Katsura certainly is a gentleman who respects women and no one more than him is aware how dangerous it can be going alone this late at night.

"A woman should not go alone so late at night, I will accompany you to your home, I don't want anything to happen to you."

"It's unnecessary I can go alone," you insisted.

"It is a return for helping cats accept me as their leader, " he said with sparkling eyes which even you can't deny.

"Alright" you agreed blushingly thinking to yourself,

                                                  Are you falling in love with a criminal?

                                                                 Here's a catsura:

                                                                 Here's a catsura:

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Note: I hope it wasn't that bad. Sorry my university started and it's lots of work but I will still try my best to upload weekly . Next chapter will be comparatively short, mostly dialogues. Also let's congratulate kastura cats finally accepting him😊. Thank You so much for reading, please comment what you think of I really appreciate it. Please look forward to the next chapter.If anyone wants to be friends you can message me on my insta @triha_27 (No need to follow just for being friends :)

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