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„What exactly are we supposed to do to make us fall in love with each other?" the younger asked.

„Figure it out yourself, love" Felix blushed and the older obviously noticed. „Are you already falling for me? I didn't think it would be that easy" he teased

„Its not like that! I just never really had anyone call me names like that!" Felix shyly answered. „Whatever i will have to go now.." he wanted to stand up but Hyunjin held his wrist

„You'll stay here over night." „no you don't-„ „in my bed" he smirked.
He was just joking to see how Felix would react they've been friends for a while now so it basically wasn't anything new.

„Hyunjin you don't understand.. my parents are home they won't let me stay outside long"
Usually the youngers parents would stay in Australia or go on trips but they had some work to do here so they couldn't go back to Australia just like that.

Hyunjin relaxed his tight grip and followed Felix to the door „are they gonna leave again soon?" „i don't know but if you keep distracting me i'll be home late and i really don't want that to happen" Felix put on his shoes and left without even looking at his older friend.

Hyunjin just closed the door and layed down on his Bed for a while. He and Felix were really close but not in a romantic way. Just friendship, nothing more.


Hyunjin didn't even notice how he fell asleep but woke up a few hours later. It was now 3 a.m. too early to get up for school and too late to go back to sleep. He usually had problems with falling asleep most of the time it took him at least an hour to actually get some sort of sleepy.

Since he didn't know what else to do he decided to check up an Felix and wether he was at home on time or not

Sorry for texting you so late but did you come home safely and on time


Is he online this late?

Yes, no need to worry.
May i ask why you're awake?

Idk i just woke up and don't know wether i should go back to sleep or not .

I was wondering the same thing lol
wanna meet up?

Its fucking 3 a.m

I know i am in fact able to read the clock.
Anyways... you got nothing else to do do you?

No not really

Ok i'll come over.

Uh hey lol im sorry for this ugly chapter its kind of too short and i don't really like my writing style(?) also excuse my bad grammar English isn't my first language:)

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