Movie Night

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“Fuck!” I groans from the bedroom, making Jimin sprint to the bedroom to check if I'm okay. The sight in front of him as Jimin smiling lightly in adoration. I struggles to zip my dress, the tight-fitting black dress that usually fits me perfectly. The twins bump making it difficult for me, and it’s date night and I really wants to look pretty for Jimin who happens to love the tight-fitting black dress.

“Baby-” Jimin says softly as he steps closer. I looks at him, small tears forming in my eyes.“I can’t zip it Jimin.” I almost sobs, “I can’t fucking zip it.”

Jimin stands behind me, hands resting on my hips as he looks me in the eye through the mirror. I sniffles as I lets my arms fall to my sides, head falling back against Jimin’s shoulder. Jimin presses multiple kisses to my cheek, watching me through the mirror.

“Can’t you wear something else?” He asks softly, lips still against my cheek. I shakes my head in protest. “I know how much you love this dress, so I wanted to wear it,” I mumbles. Jimin can’t help but smile at me, his heart almost bursting with the love he feels.

“Just wear that new one I bought the other day,” he says before turning me around to face him. “You’ll look beautiful no matter what you wear.” A blush creeps up my neck and to my cheeks, making me smile softly at him. “Yeah?”

Jimin nods, “yes baby.”

I finds the white dress that Jimin bought the other day, slips in on and it zips over my babies bump. And I struggles to get my heels on because when I'm pregnant my feet tend to swell up. Jimin assures me that sandals would be fine, but I not having it and finds another pair of heels. Jimin chuckles as he watches me walk past him and out of the bedroom. He sighs with a smirk before following right behind.

"Baby it's fine let's stay home and have a movie night?" Jimin asked. "Okay" I sulked

We went downstair and walked to the living room, I grabbed the remote and "what do you want to watch" i asked binging through Netflix

"Put on a scary film" Jimin smirked

The air seemed to be drowning in thick tension, terror bustling in my veins as I held onto the edge of my blanket. I scoffed to myself: modern technology had really evolved so much: the large television screen amplified every emotion especially whilst watching horror movies. It felt like the heinous predators would jump out of the screen any moment, making me piss myself.

The darkness in the room and eerie music from the television made it impossible for my mind to gravitate elsewhere. My body was taut as I held my breath while the stupid main characters died one after another in the haunted villa.

I looked to far right at to Jimin who seemed quite unaffected by the countless jump scares. Even whilst watching a terrifying movie, I didn’t see him bat an eye.

He was too brave because he's a mafia.

“Why’re you always choosing horror movies on our date nights, Jimin?” I bitterly muttered, my annoyance visible in my tone. Every weekend, we both watched a new movie and he chose horror every damn time.

Jimin looked away from the screen, his eyes reading mines. His silver hair attractively fell like curtains on his forehead, disheveled and messy.

“Because they’re fun,” he monotonously replied. His response made me speechless. “Fun? What part of large scale  man-slaughter and cannibalism, fun?” I cried, disturbed at his reasoning. Horror movies just gave me vivid nightmares and trauma.

Jimin’s lips curled into an unapologetic smirk as he glanced back to the television screen. I glared at him narrowly and then resumed watching the movie. A few minutes in, another terrifying scream erupted from the television and my body grew cold, my blanket now scrunched within my clenched fists.

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