Just One Tear

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We're all pushing and shoving trying to get on the plane. I'm still smiling... And Peter is walking right behind me and for a moment everything is perfect. We're almost at our seats. Mr. Harrington is freaking out trying to figure out where everyone is supposed to sit. Flash is trying to convince the flight attendant that he's 21, even though since the blip none of us are 21. Ned is whispering frantically with Peter about something. But despite all the chaos around me, I'm still smiling.

Peter taps on my shoulder, "Will you take the window seat? Seeing all the clouds makes me nervous... "

"Umm.. Yea sure I'll sit by the window..." The clouds make him nervous? That's literally my favorite reason to not want the window seat ever. Peter Benjamin Parker aka Spiderman is afraid of clouds... How cute.

As soon as we're in the air, Peter starts digging through his bag. He reaches into the front pocket and pulls out what looks like a dual headphone adapter. "Hey MJ. I... I umm have this headphone adapter and so if you want we could watch a movie... If you want..." Now I'm smiling even bigger.

"Yea sure Peter. You can pick the movie." I start to reach for my earbuds out of my pocket while Peter pulls out his computer. Peter opens up his laptop and clicks open Google Play Movies. He starts to scroll through some of the "trending" movies. I focus on untangling my earbuds. How did they even get so tangled? I stop for a second and I hear Peter take a shaky breath. I look over at him and he's staring out the window.

"Peter, you okay?" He's super pale. He's... He's scared of something. "Peter what's going on?" He looks at me. Like right at me.

"I've never been on a plane like this before." That was an insanely put together sentence for Peter. "I mean I've only been on Mr. Stark's private plane."

"This is the same thing Peter. It's just with more people." He looks like he's gonna cry... What do I do? "Peter. This plane ride is gonna be easy. Okay?"

Peter looks out the window again. "Yea. Plane rides are supposed to be easy. Safe." I feel like there's a story here, but I'm not sure I should pry. Or maybe I should just ask him. Then he could get it off his chest or something...

"Peter did something happen?" And as I ask, a tear rolls down his cheek. Just one tear.

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