Am I Blushing?

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"Hey Peter! What's up?" I'm freaking out. What if he won't sit next to me on the plane? Then I'm screwed cause Brad will know that I lied to him...

"Well... MJ... I was wondering if maybe you wanted to... I mean you don't have to... but if you wanted we could sit next to each other on the plane... I mean... We don't have to... It's up to you I mean... " Holy cow! Peter is asking to sit next to me??? This is PERFECT!

"Peter! I will sit next to you. But aren't you gonna sit next to Ned?" MJ! STAY COOL!

"Oh... Yea... I... I was gonna sit next to Ned but you know he decided he didn't want to sit next to me cause he got this new video game that like it's like you only play through it once and like I haven't played it yet, but like if I'm sitting next to him then I'll you know see how to play the game and then I won't be able to play it ever cause like I'll know how to play it... You know?"

"Yea... I think I get it. Umm... but yea I'll sit next to you... you know on the plane... " Damn it! Am I blushing? I'm not supposed to be blushing. It's just Peter. Just Peter, Ha that's a funny sentence. He's not just Peter. He's Peter Benjamin Parker. He's Spiderman! No. MJ, chill.

"Wait. Really? You want to sit next to me?" I look at his face and he's... He's shocked. He didn't think I would want to sit next to him? I mean who wouldn't want to sit next to him? And wait! Is he blushing? Or am I just imagining that? I'm probably just making things up. No, I'm definitely just making things up. There's no way on earth Peter would be blushing talking to me! No way.

"Yea Peter. I'd umm... I'd like that... " I smile. Just ever so lightly. You know cause like if I smiled too much I would look like a crazy person. Cause like I'm not the sort of person who smiles a lot... I don't know why. I just don't. Most people smile all the time, but I don't... I think smiles are stupid, cause like they're a way people hide the fact that they're feeling real things. It's like everyone puts on a smile to mask reality. So, yea I don't smile unless I'm really really really happy which like doesn't happen a lot... not cause I'm upset, just cause I'm normal...

But then I look over at Peter and he's smiling. And it's an honest smile. Peter is the kind of person who smiles because he's happy, but Peter is always happy. Still, seeing him smiling at me like that. It makes me smile a little bit more... More than I have in a while... It's... It's nice... And I'm looking at Peter and he's smiling and Peter is looking at me and I'm smiling and...

"Hey guys ready to get on the plane?" Mr. Harrington ruins the moment. The moment is over, but I'm still smiling... I'm still smiling, because of Peter... 

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