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A dragon was crouching in the darkness. She breathed a puff of flame, lighting the stone walls of her cave.

The dragon could hear her sharp talons scraping against the stalagtites as she perched on a jutting overhang of rock, looking over her large cave.

She stared out, gazing at the familiar rocks. The dragon enjoyed memorizing the position of each pebble during her spare time. The problem was, she had a lot of spare time; so she also rearranged them a lot.

Surveying her surroundings, the dragon noticed something. Something different. Something wrong. There was a pool - a pool of water - in her cave. It had never been there before.

Curious, the dragon glided gracefully down to the clear, moonlit water and looked in.

She saw, well, what anyone would expect her to see. Her reflection. But there was something not right about what she saw, too.

The more she looked, the less it looked like her. As the dragon watched, the reflection became contorted, until it was a completely different image altogether. It was ... it was a cat.

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