Chapter #2.) Battle with the Amphibian king.

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Marcy pounded on the glass with her legs, Kyle aiding her as she got out of the bafta tank, and armed herself with her crossbow, and Running up the stairs to see Andreas, armed with the 3 calamity gems, fighting Sasha and Anne, Who exchanged blows with the king.
Kyle: Marcy the time to strike is now!
Marcy: Right!
Marcy fired her crossbow at Andreas' exposed shoulder, knocking the green gem from the shoulder and picking it up.
Andreas: So you're still in your own body?
Marcy: Yes I am you monster.
Kyle: As am I!
Andreas Flinched upon hearing Kyle's voice come from Marcy after taking the green calamity gem back.
Andreas: You survived...?
Kyle: And I will not stand idly by as you kill the heroes of calamity!

Sasha and Anne nodded, standing in front of Kyle and Marcy in the same position of the prophesy mural, and they all charged at Andreas at once. Andreas charged at them as well, using his flame sword to strike at the heroes. Anne struck the first blow, slicing at the King's hand, followed by Sasha, who parried Andreas' Sword strike with her own, then followed by Marcy who fired at the cross scratches on the king's Chestplate, the final party blow being dealt by Kyle who fired a calamity blast at the King, knocking their foe back. Andreas charged again, only to be blasted back by Kyle, followed by Sasha who swung at Andreas again knocking the red gem loose, she then grabbed it and planted it into her sword, this was followed up by Marcy firing an arrow at the king once more, followed by Anne who struck the blue gem from the king's left shoulder pad, she then put it into armor, Marcy and Kyle then did a combined attack, Kyle using his calamity blast to launch Marcy up above Andreas, followed by multiple flaming bolt shots from Marcy's crossbow, knocking the king back farther, Anne and Sasha then did another combined attack, this one being their own, Sasha and Anne grabbed each other and began spinning flying towards the King like a bay-blade, this knocked the green calamity gem off of Andreas' right shoulder plate, which was immediately picked up by Marcy, who put it on her arm strap, with this, all the girls used their calamity powers to aid Kyle, who dealt the final finishing blow, knocking Andreas into his throne with a incredibly super-charged calamity blast, causing the throne to break.

Andreas groaned at the, technical, quartet loomed over him, holding their power beams over him.
Kyle: Had enough yet?
Andreas put his hands into the air, looking truly defeated.
Marcy: Flipwart King Andreas.
Anne and Sasha Cuffed the king and sheathed their swords as the castle finally landed.

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