*Chapter 2*

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I watched the snow fall lightly on the bare sakura trees, wondering if I could go out today or not. It was the day before my 13th birthday and also the day before my debut. Per tradition when a princess turns 13 in the L/N house they would follow a tradition to light the 'phoenix flame'. 

Every clan in Inazuma had a symbol such as the maple leaves symbolizing the Kaedehara clan. The phoenix feather represented the L/N clan. The tradition included the young prince or princess introducing themselves, giving a dance to most guests who attended and finally lighting flames of the phoenix. The L/N clan members never received a vision in their bloodline, they were blessed with the powers from Celestia to be able to wield the glimmering ambers of the phoenix. Something about an important ancestor being a god? I never payed attention. 

The point of this tradition is for the young heirs of the clan to prove their capabilities as leader, they demonstrating their control over the phoenix further proving their status. The ability of the fire was called the "phoenix flame" and it worked as of a vision. 

I had never doubted my ability to control "flames" but I hated crowds. Having so much attention on me made me feel dizzy and I fear I would make a fool of myself. As I sit by the window thinking to myself I hear a knock at the door, without even asking for permission Kazuha bursts into my room carrying a box, a cat and a leaf on his head. 

"I figured you'd be nervous about your debut, so I came over to cheer you up." Kazuha stated while setting down the cat next to me. 

"Well thank you for your concern Mr.Sleep-More-Than-Work but I was perfectly fine." I pouted picking up the cat and avoiding eye contact. 

"You wanna tell me what's on your mind?" Kazuha said sitting down beside me completely ignoring my previous statement.

"I'm just nervous, you know how much I hate crowds. What if I mess up? What if I step on one of those stuck on nobles? What if I can't control my abilities? What if this cat is actually a dog? What if- 

"Shhhhhhh" Kazuha said placing a finger on my mouth, "Stop stressing over these little things, you'll be fine I know it. If anyone dare to say you messed up I'll have them silenced in a heartbeat."

"Besides the last part, I suppose you're right." I said with a sigh, the cat let out a confused meow and gave me a some nuzzles. I smiled at that. 

"Of course I'm right." Kazuha said as I frowned at his cockiness but before I could retort he handed me a box. "Here I know you'll be busy tomorrow so I thought I'd give you your birthday gift today. 

My eyes widen with surprise as I took the box from him, it had completely slipped my mind that it was also my 13th birthday tomorrow and I didn't expect Kazuha to remember. There was one year where he forgot about my birthday and Ms.Kaedehara made him apologize by repeatedly sending poor Kazuha over every morning to recite me a poem. I smiled at the memory and undid the ribbons that tied the box together. 

Inside was a lovely hairpin made with the brightest colours and the lovelies metals. It had a big red rose decorated by smaller strings and pedals along with a gold stem holding everything in place. It was truly the prettiest piece of jewellery I had ever received. 

I looked back up at Kazuha but for some reason he seemed nervous, it looked as if he was scared I wouldn't like the gift. "So what do you think?" He hesitantly asked. 

"I LOVE IT!" I replied with a big smile and threw myself over to hug him, almost crushing the cat in the process. "I love it so much Kazuha! Thank you." 

Kazuha's POV:

While the princess threw herself on my, I felt my heart skip a beat. She truly was adorable. I had been so nervous about giving her the gift in fear she wouldn't like it, but it seems she loved it. Im so glad. 

"Since it's your debut tomorrow..." I started "I'll be expecting a dance from you princess." 

"A dance? What a strange request, isn't my presence enough? she joked.

"I came all the way here to deliver a present, delivering a cat and half of nature along with it, I'm sure you can spare me a dance tomorrow can't you? 

"Well I suppose..." 

"Just don't get too flustered by my charm." I said with a wink

"Gee keep your teenage hormones in check Kazuha." Y/N said while rolling to the other side of the bed bumping right into the cat who seemed extremely offended. 

Trying to ignore my burning face, I stood up and bid the princess goodbye. "See you at your debut tomorrow then." She always had to get the last word in didn't she...

Fun Fact:

As a kid, Kazuha would often try to make Y/N feel flustered however, it usually backfires on him and he ends up blushing instead.


Hi guys, let me know if you want a more detailed description of Y/N's abilities. I also wanted to say hi to my 3 readers, I really appreciate you! :) 

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