young love

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we're laying on my bed and you're head is on my chest. i kiss you and the head and you look up and smile at me before starting to kiss me. i kiss you back and we do that for a short bit. once we pull away, you adjust your body and just stare into my eyes, smiling and stroking my face. i chuckle and ask "what?" and you just smile a bit larger and say, "oh nothing, i just love you" i blush and say, "i love you more" before flipping you over and going into a deep kiss. we just make out and smile at each other for a while before i start kissing down ur neck and slowly giving you hickeys. once i've done a couple i lift my head and just stare at you, admiring ur beauty. you stare back at me with a red face. i lean down and give you a soft, deep and sweet kiss, of which you return, i then i lay back down and pull you back into my arms. we lay there and talk about anything that comes to our minds, just enjoying being in love.

AHHHH first fluff concept!!
it might not be that great bc i actually wrote it a bit ago but i hope you guys like it
if ur here from my nsfw book HI ILY

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