the end :(

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hey guys, i'm sorry i've been so quiet and haven't really told you guys why i stopped writing the lesbian smut and fluff books completely.

i put the explanation in my bio, but i figure i should put it here as well.

when i began writing these oneshot books, i was identifying as a queer nmlnm (non-men loving non-men) person. recently, i figured out my identity and realized that i actually am a bisexual masc-aligned person. with this, my view of my attraction changed, and i now am only gay as in mlm/nblm (men loving men/non-binary loving men)

because of this identity change, i am choosing to start making only mlm/nblm smut or fluff. continuing to write wlw/nblw (women loving women/non-binary loving women) smut or fluff would be fetishizing and not okay overall.

i hope you're all okay with this! i had so much fun reading all of your comments and writing the things i wrote, but it's time to start a new chapter :)

i love you all and i hope you've drank water and eaten today <3

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