sing for me

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i play my guitar for her, strumming the chords to her favorite song. i even sing a little, and all she does is smile and blush at me as my heart flutters from her cute expression. i finish my song and she immediately takes my face in her hand, and traps my lips in a deep kiss. she moves the guitar away from my lap and quickly replaces it with her body, deepening the kiss and straddling me. "i love it when you sing for me" she says with a soft smile, pulling away from the kiss. "i love this, and usually singing gets me it" i say and we both laugh before i put my hand in the small of her back, pulling her closer and back into my lips. i kiss down her face to her jaw and ears, wanting to kiss every inch of her. i then pull back and admire her features. "stop, babe! you know i hate when you just stare at me like that" she complains  playfully. i smile and tilt her chin up. "is it so bad that i want to bask in how gorgeous you are? i just want to study your features and memorize the curves of your body. i can't help it." i say, looking into her eyes. "well maybe i don't mind as much anymore.." she responds quietly. her cheeks are red and i can see the tears welling up in her eyes, so i pull her in once again. i kiss her softly at first but it goes further into a full makeout, which i don't mind at all. after a bit of kissing and lip biting she kisses my cheek and whispers, "sing for me again?" i smile and grab my guitar, happy to continue.

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