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Being in the darkness sometimes allow us to be free, to momentarily forget our surroundings and focus on ourselves. Hearing our hearts; focusing on our breathing.

A soft wind brushed my skin blowing a few strands of hair tickling me. I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was ceiling full of glow in the dark planets and stars. I immediately rose from bed causing me to feel dizzy but I brushed it aside.

My eyes scanned the whole place. The walls colored grey and navy blue. There was a bulletin board filled with sticky notes and a class schedule, an unorganized study table, clothes scattered on the floor, and a bookshelf crowded with books of different sizes and colors. I was in my bedroom.
I shifted my attention to my clothes. I was wearing black faded jeans, an orange oversized shirt, and a pair of black high cut sneakers.

I climbed out of bed. The sound of the wooden floor squeaking made me flinch. I balanced myself on my feet and started to walk towards the door. As I was walking towards it, I passed by a full-length mirror and caught glimpse of my reflection. I was wearing a typical teenager style clothes but I looked like my present self. I don't know if this was all real or a product of my mind's imagination.

I left the mirror and reached for the doorknob. But before I could turn it, I casted a glance in the room again taking in every detail. I opened the door. I was expecting to see the bedroom corridor but it a bright space welcomed me; everything was colored white. Suddenly, there were rectangular and square shaped things hanging in mid-air like decorations.

I stared at my feet and the wooden floor of my room disappeared. I stumbled backwards and landed on my behind. I cursed.

"Hello?" My voice echoed through the plain receiving nothing, saying that I am alone.

Lifting my head I caught sight of the hanging objects again. Curiosity was all over me.

I placed a hand at my side and pushed myself up. My back still hurt but it was bearable. I focused in front and took little steps forward. Slowly, one of them lowered itself. My eyes widened. When I froze, the thing remained floating. The law of physics is clearly broken. No logical explanation can help me understand what's happening here.

'Is anything here logical to begin with?'

The floating object stopped at eye level enough for me to see. There I noticed that it was a picture frame. It took me seconds to make it out. My jaw dropped and all of the air inside me was knocked off. It was a picture of a family, my family. We were all grinning at the camera. Dad and Mum were beside each other. They looked so young, happy, and...full of life. A pair of legs dangled around Dad's neck. I followed it and saw a little girl about eight to ten years old. Her hair was tied into a braid and wore the exact same clothes as mine. Both of her arms in the air.

Tears pooled in the corner of my eyes obscuring my vision. Then, a soft soothing hum meant to lull a child to sleep came from behind me. The heart inside my chest was ramming against my rib cage almost breaking it. Even though the melody was foreign to me I knew who voice that is.

I pivoted and saw a person standing at arm's length. She was the same height as me and wore a baby blue blouse and cream colored pants. Her hair was black and wavy, had had the dark brown eyes, and looked exactly like me. She was looking at me tenderly like she used to. My shoulders began to quake as I try to hold back a sob.

"M-Mum?" I croaked.

She smiled and raised her hand to my cheek wiping my tears. I inclined my face to her hand, savoring her touch afraid that it might disappear. Tears continued streaming down my face as I gaze at my mother.

"Please...stay," years of longing and ache can be heard in my voice hoping that it might convince her.

I continued staring at her eyes reflecting my image. They didn't convey anything except for serenity and love.

A Temporary Affair  | Pieck x PorcoWhere stories live. Discover now