Entrance Exams

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Deku POV A Few Days

I was laying in my bed watching 'One Piece' before hearing my door open. I looked over to see Ochako wearing nothing but a bra and panties, she started to speak saying "What's wrong cat got your tongue~". I felt my pants tighten before she came over to me starting to straddle me. She got up close to my ear before blowing in it. I was about to talk before she held her finger over my mouth silencing me. She grabbed my hand, directing it to her breast while saying "Don't speak, just enjo-" "WAHHHHHHH".

I was brought out of my dream to hear a crying baby before remembering that we had just adopted Eri. I saw Ochako turning in her sleep before getting up to try and calm Eri down. After a few minutes of rocking her and giving her milk (from a bottle) she started to calm down. I made my way back to the bed with Eri in my arm's. I looked at the time to see it was 5:45, deciding to get ready I started making breakfast for Ochako and myself. After a few minutes I hear footsteps and turn around to see Ochako. I asked "What's got you up so early?" "Well... my cuddle partner wasn't in the bed". I blushed a bit before walking over and giving her a kiss. After a few moments she took Eri from me to go bathe her while also taking a shower. After taking a shower and eating breakfast I heard a knock at the door. I looked at Ochako before she said "It's probably my parents" "Not to be rude, but why are they here?". She giggled a bit before saying "It's okay and they're here to take care of Eri while we're at the exam" "Oh". I went to the door to open it to see Tousa and Maruki standing there with smiles on their faces. I then said "Good Morning Mr and Mrs. Uraraka" "Good Morning Izuku are you ready for the Exams?" replied Tousa. I smiled and said "Of course, It's been my dream since I was a child". I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see Maruki smiling saying "Well kid good luck". I heard footsteps behind me to see Ochako with Eri in her arm's as well as a bag. After Ochako explaining everything to her parents we set off to U.A."

Timeskip Arrived At U.A.

When we arrived at U.A. I stared in awe at the huge building in front of me before hearing a voice that I'd rather not hear "Outta the way nerd". Bakugou went to push me before I grabbed his hand and glared at him, making him rethink what he was about to do. After a few moments he snatched his hand away and continued into the school. Ochako then came up to me asking if I was okay. I gave a reassuring smile to let her know I was okay. We then continued in the school. After Present Mic's presentation we went to our separate exam area's with Ochako being in the same area as me. As I was waiting for the exam to start I saw a girl with pink skin who seemed nervous. I approached her and said "Hey are you okay?", She turned around and looked at me before saying "Yeah I'm just a bit nervous" "I'm sure you'll do grea-" "GOOOOOOO". I darted into the exam area and immediately started destroying robots, I looked down one road to see a pink blur and knew that Ocha was doing well.

55 Minutes Later All Might POV

Inko and I were watching the exams until I heard a certain rat god say "We certainly have some promising candidates this year don't we" "Yes sir we certainly do" I said with a huge grin which he seemed to notice. "You certainly seem excited All Might, Mind telling us what for?" "Well if you must ask, the boy in first is my stepson and the girl in third just so happens to be his girlfriend" "...well let's see if they can impress me..."said everyone's favorite hobo. Everyone looked at him before Nezu said "Yes let's see" while hitting a red button.

Izuku POV

I heard a rumble before seeing a giant rumble before remembering Present Mic saying to try and ignore this robot. I was about to turn away before I heard someone scream "HELP!!". I turned around to see the same girl with pink skin before the exam. I immediately activated my armour while flying at the robot full speed. While flying towards the robot I saw a pink blur beside me. I looked to my right to see Ochako yelling (yelling because they're moving at such high speed) "IZUKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING" "I HAVE TO HELP THAT GIRL". I saw Ocha look ahead and yell "ALRIGHT BUT I'M HELPING YOU". I smirked and said "ALRIGHT LET'S DO THIS". I sped up to my max with Ocha just barely keeping up. I then drew back my fist with Ocha and I yelling "DRACONIC/DETROIT SMASH". I saw the robot get shattered to pieces before landing in front of the pink-skinned girl to check if she was okay. "Hey are you okay?" "Hmm oh yeah I'm fi- OW" "Woah woah what's wrong?" "My ankle hurts... I think it may be broken" "Would you be okay if I used my quirk?" "If it gets rid of this pain". I then made a small incision on my finger to draw blood before feeling a smack on the back of my head and seeing Ocha pouting. I looked at her and asked what was wrong before hearing a cough from behind me. I turned around to see Recovery Girl saying "It's alright sonny you can go I'll handle her from here". I gave a nod and left with Ocha. I saw her with an angered look before asking "Hey what's wrommmm-". I couldn't finish my question before she kissed me and said "Remember you're mine and only mine" before continuing home".


A bit short of a chapter but its the Entrance Exams and we all know what happens. As well as Ochako being jealous because why not. Next Chapter let see what happens when Izuku reunites with some old friends.

BTW in my story Iida got in through recommendations because it makes sense to me, honestly I think he could've gotten in through recommendations because of family reputation in cannon.

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