My Person When my Person Can't (Part 1)

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Summary:  Alex gets her memory wiped and Kara feels utterly hopeless after losing the one person who had been there for her since the second they became sisters. Needing consolation, she goes to the only person who matters to her as much as her sister.

Disclaimer: Lena figured out that Kara was supergirl on her own, but Kara doesn't know that she knows.


"I can't" Kara said, shaking her head before walking out the front door of J'onn's office. Once she was outside, the blonde immediately found a secluded spot before shooting off into the sky. Kara felt the tears flying out of her eyes and into the wind as she sped through the sky with no particular destination in mind.  After what only felt like a few seconds, but was  actually a long while of traveling around the city aimlessly, high above the clouds, the face of a certain someone flashed through Kara's head.

In that moment she decided that's where she was going, the Kryptonian knew that the only other person besides the one who was the cause of her distress who could calm and comfort her, was Lena Luthor. At this point, everything was out the window considering how utterly defeated Kara felt. She didn't care about her secret identity, she didn't care about saving anyone, hell, she didn't even care if she accidentally slipped up and confessed her feelings to Lena.

When the blonde made it to her best friend's penthouse she immediately plopped on the ground and curled in on herself, leaning against the balcony railing for support as her tears continued to flow. Kara tried her best to take deep breaths, but she could tell her body needed a moment, so she just decided she would let her emotions run their course. Only a few seconds went by before the Alien heard the sound of the balcony door opening followed by a concerned "Kara?"

She must've forgotten to change into her suit, but Kara didn't even bother unburying her head from in between her knees, too overrun with other emotions to even bring herself to care. When Lena got no response from the sobbing blonde on her balcony, the Luthor didn't hesitate to sit next to her and wrap her up tightly in her arms. Kara's response was almost instant as she uncurled herself and turned towards her best friend, returning her embrace and burying her face the crook of her neck as she continued to cry.

Lena began whispering reassurances into her ear as as she traced soothing patterns on her back with her finger. She decided not to mention the secret identity knowing that would only make Kara feel worse, and that was last thing she wanted to do weather she knew what was wrong or not. After a while the Kryptonian began to calm down, and she slowly lifted her face from Lena's neck. Her breathing became shallow as she tried to get her sobs to subside, but before she could start to panic, her best friend was once again there.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, look at me. Now take deep breaths with me, In through your nose, out through your mouth, In through your nose, out through your mouth. Good." Kara smiled slightly and wiped her tears, before saying "Thank you Lena, this was very much needed." "No need to thank me Kara, you know I'm always here for you no matter what." The blonde nodded, "I know." "Do you want to tell me what happened?" Kara sighed and looked away for a second but made no move to leave Lena's comforting embrace.

"Alex has always been my rock, no matter what I've always been able to count on her. I mean, I got to this planet and I was a strange girl with strange powers who didn't speak a lick of English, and I felt so afraid and alone. Then I was brought to this place and there was another girl there who immediately wanted to protect me, and it was this instant bond. Even when she was annoyed by me, she knew I was like this lost puppy and she had to make sure nothing in this cruel new world would ever hurt me. And it stayed that way, even after I became independent, even after I became a superhero who could most certainly handle herself, Alex never stopped protecting me or just being there for me. I guess I just... I just thought that would last forever, that no matter what happened to anyone or anything else it would be okay because I would have my sister. But now, because the stupid fucking government can't accept the fact that I have a secret identity for the sake of keeping my friends and family out of harms way, my sister, my favorite person in the universe, had to have her memory wiped for my protection."

Lena felt herself gasp under her breath at the last statement, immediately feeling extreme (empathetic) guilt for Kara and her situation. The blonde sniffled before speaking again, "J'onn said there was no guarantee that he or anyone else would be able to get Alex's memory back when it's safe for her to know again. Now, nothing is ever going to be the same, and I'm going to have to lie to her every single day." Kara finally looked up into the eyes of the person sitting next to her and continued, "I don't know if I can do it Lena. It's already so incredibly difficult and painful for me to hide a part of me from you, I cringe internally every time I tell you even the smallest of lies to protect my identity. How the hell I'm gonna do that with my sister? The one person who has been there from the beginning, who I've never lied to about anything, my person. How?"

Lena moved her hands up to Kara's face and used her thumbs to wipe a few stray tears from her favorite person's cheeks before saying, "Kara, you are one of the strongest people I know, quite literally of course, but the things you've lived through and come back from stronger just show that nothing can bring you down. Like you said, your secret identity is there for the protection of all the people you love and care about, try hard to remember that. Alex is still your sister and she still loves you, but for the time being she has to help protect you and all of us who are close to you. I have faith that she'll get her memories back when the time is right, and you of all people should know how important it is never to lose hope."

Kara smiled as Lena spoke, she was so happy that Lena still cared enough to make her feel better despite the giant elephant in the room. "So, you don't hate me?" The younger woman chuckled and shook her head, "You idiot, I could never hate you. Sure, I may have been a little hurt when I first figured out who you were, but once I thought about it I realized that it wasn't about me. It was about you trying to protect me."

Kara let out a breath she had been holding before a smile spread across her face, "Thank you for understanding, I didn't want to tell you like this but I was just so afraid and overwhelmed and I really didn't care about my secret Identity in that moment or-" Kara stopped herself from continuing, she had almsot revealed the thing she thought would probably ruin their friendship. Lena scowled, "Or?" Kara looked down at her lap and began fidgeting nervously.

"Kara?" the blonde finally looked up and sighed, "We should probably go Inside"

Hey guys, I'm finally back! Sorry about the cliffhnager, but this one's a two parter. (1,340 words) Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I really hope you all enjoyed it! I love you guys, bye! <3<3<3


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