I Didn't Want to Leave You

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Disclaimers: Lena already knows that Kara is Supergirl and they've made amends. Jeremiah died when everyone thought he did. (was never kidnapped by CADMUS) There is no argo city (it was never protected when Krypton exploded)

This one shot was loosely inspired by the one shot that @luthor recently published.


It was 10:23 PM, and usually, Lena would still be laser-focused on her work, losing track of time as well as losing sleep, but instead, the Ravenette was sat in her desk chair staring longingly out of her balcony window, searching for a certain bubbly blonde. Kara had been coming to visit frequently since they mended their friendship, always making sure that Lena wasn't working too hard, even carrying her home so she could rest if the Luthor was being stubborn.

Lena had come to look forward to seeing Kara, and she had recently come to the conclusion that the feelings she had for the superhero were much stronger than those in a friendship. When she really thought about it, she realized that she had had romantic feelings for Kara since early in their friendship, she was just in denial.

Lena's train of thought was interrupted by a small gust of wind followed by a light tap on concrete. The ravenette recognized the familiar sound immediately, and she smiled a little as she turned her head toward the balcony doors. Kara smiled back before holding up a take out bag in one hand, and a bottle of Rosè in the other. "I figured you would need a break."

Lena smiled even wider, "Well you figured correct, and I always enjoy seeing you." Kara looked down a little and blushed, hoping Lena didn't notice, before walking inside the office and following the Ravenette to the couch.

Lena didn't even see the logo on the front of the white paper bag until they both sat down, but when she did her eyes went wide with hunger and happiness, "Did you seriously get us Big Belly Burger?!" She asked excitedly as she watched the blonde superhero start to take out the food. Kara smiled a little and nodded, "Well I was flying over that shopping center that has one, and I know it's your favorite so-" "And the wine? You know how much I love Rosè." "Yeah, I remembered that the Fine Wine Spirits was just a couple doors down so I decided to go in there too."

"Kara Danvers, you are literally my favorite person." Said Lena enthusiastically before she picked up her burger so she could start eating. Kara smiled one of her beautiful sunshine smiles at being called "Literally Lena's favorite person" before saying, "I'll grab some glasses." and standing and walking to the cabinet. Kara retrieved two wine glasses for their Rosè and poured some for the both of them, before leaning back on the couch with her wine and some fries. Lena finally broke the comfortable silence when she asked, "So, how was your day?"

Kara smiled a little, "It was pretty good, for some reason Snapper was in an extra good mood today, as good of a mood he can be in anyway. He asked me to write an article about supergirl to update the public on whats going on with her since I had gotten an "exclusive" with her before, obviously, that didn't take too long. Then I got a call from the DEO about a fire in an apartment building, so I dealt with that and luckily no one was hurt. That was about it for crime, so I just went back to CatCo and did work, then got food and flew here. How about you?"

Lena smiled a little as she looked up in contemplation, "Well your day definitely sounds a lot more interesting than mine. Thanks to you I wasn't here all night, so I came in at around 10:00 and I had a meeting with the shareholders. After that I got some regular work stuff done, you know, invoices and submittals. After that I had a nice lunch with Jess as I frequently do, then after lunch, I had a meeting with one of my clients. Once that was finished I just worked until you got here."

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