Kuraime Silewe

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Name: Kuraime Silewe
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: Depends on universe
Height: 5ft 6
Aura Color: Dark purple


Eye Color: PurpleHair Color: black

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Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: black

Personality: Kuraime is the only Human apart of Team RCST. She's quiet and sometimes comes across as being emotionless but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Kuraime is actually the most emotional person in the team, it's just that she learned how to flip on and off her emotions so that they don't get away in her combat. She's also pretty socially awkward so she just comes across as cold. Another thing is Kuraime usually hides her emotions so that her teammates don't get distracted by her and so that they don't worry about her. Besides that, she's pretty kind and caring; she's kind of like the big sister of the team and she has a soft spot for food. Seriously she's a glutton when it come to food, especially meat and sweets...



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Poison Ivy: Poison Ivy is a dangerous Scythe that can transform into a rifle form that can double as a LMG and bolt-action rifle, similar to Crescent Rose and also similar to Crescent Rose, it can still fire off bullets in Scythe Mode. Kuraime prefers to use the bolt-action mode as the strong recoil allows Kuraime to be more mobile

 Kuraime prefers to use the bolt-action mode as the strong recoil allows Kuraime to be more mobile

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Semblance: >Evernight Raven<. This semblance is split into two sub-abilities, Dispersal and Raven Blitz.

Raven Blitz allows Kuraime to dash away in the form of a Raven, leaving a trail of Raven feathers behind her, similar to Ruby's Petal Burst. She can do it in the air and it appears as if she's flying but she isn't. This one can be used more frequently but it still drains Aura

Dispersal allows Kuraime to break down into small ravens to dodge attacks or trick enemies, an example is her getting stabbed and then dispersing into those ravens and reforming, perfectly unscathed. Although strong it drains her Aura quite a bit every time she uses it; she usually uses it once in battle


• Kuraime's Name translates to Dark Eyes in Japanese, relating to her dark purple eyes.

• Kuraime is the first character I ever created.

• Kuraime's birthday is the same as Ruby Rose's, October 31st.

• Kuraime is left handed but she possibly could be ambidextrous.

• Kuraime is similar Akame from Akame Ga Kill.

• Kuraime also originated from V.E.N.G.E.A.N.C.E as the main character along side Dairoku.

• Kuraime is primarily based off of a raven.

• Kuraime unfortunately is quite the emotionally broken person due to all of the shit she experienced.

• Kuraime's Semblance, Evernight Raven is similar to Ruby's.

• Kuraime has Entomophobia which is the fear of bugs

• Kuraime has a gluttonous nature and absolutely loves to eat food, especially meat.

• Kuraime loves to sing and play the violin.

• Though she seems emotionless, Kuraime has a big soft side, especially for babies and animals.

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