Even In Death, Friends Remain ; Chapter 2

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Shota almost fell back at the sight he saw, it was horrible. How flesh the blood appeared, the ghostly lifeless pale skin, the mattered uniform. The darkened jade queen eyes that stared at him, as if gazing into his soul, like predator watching prey. It looked more then heart breaking. He couldn't bring himself to look away from the sight. But, as quickly as the figure of the boy came, it disappeared just as quickly. He no longer felt the pressure of Angie's hand on his shoulder.

Blood no longer dripped from desk, Midoryia no longer seat on the edge, those eyes no longer staring at him. He took a few momments to process what he had seen, turning to look at the teenager whom had said nothing besides him. Shuichi looked as if he was a few moments away from passing out, his expression painfully blank yet his merky olive eyes projecting the boys emotions more then enough. Angie's expression had hardly changed, yet a smile no longer rested on her face, a natural look.

"I..I wasn't the only one who saw that? r-right?" Shuichi spoke a few minutes later, his voice surprising composed. Shota shook his head, crossing his arms infront of himself. "I saw it aswell Shuichi. It appears what we thought was just speculation, is actually the truth." He hated attempting it, but knew he couldn't even attempt to lie to himself about it. Even though he had died and that was a confirmed fact, no faking, no lie, Midoriya still roamed the school. But, the question was, why? Why stay behind to torment the living, when he could go peacefully rest? And, if he was the one causing these phenomenons throughout the school, what was his reason for doing so?

Shota was at a lose for answers, and words. Nothing came to mind. "I believe this was what Atua ment by we'd find something we weren't expecting." Angie's voice sounded as it had before, cheerful, goofy even. Such disrespect. He turned his full attention over to Shuichi, who now seemed to be racking his brain attempting to find an reasonable explanation for what they had just seen. He doubted the teen would have much luck. This was a new thing for even himself, and he'd dealt with suicide incidents before. Yet, nothing like this had ever happened.

"Midoryia died, didn't he? He didn't fake his death. There's been a funeral and his body has been buried. But- But what we just saw says that Midoryia is in this room, but that doesn't make any-" Shuichi hadn't had the chance to finish his rant, as the temperature in the room then dropped. It was now far colder then before, Shota himself began shivering slightly. The air seemed to freeze in place, his lung burning with each breath he took. Movement of the desk he'd seen Midoryia seeing drew his attention towards it. The gifts that had been pushed back had suddenly fallen to the ground, the dry thud seemlying echoing throughout the classroom.

Even the desk itself was pushed backwards slightly. The lights –though dim– flickered as if a child was messing with the light switch. Then, they shut of completely, engulfing the classroom in a inky darkness. The sun has set a little while ago while they were searching the school, so lacking the lights left them in the dark. Something akin to wind bushed against his face. It must have happened to the teenager aswell seen he heard both of them let out small shrieks. If the ghost of Midoryia was really here, then what was happening now must be because of him. Somehow, they must have angered him or he was testing if they could see him. Whatever it was, Shota knew it would be best if they were to leave. And quickly.

He moved swiftly, grabbing both Shuichi and Angie as he exited the classroom –seeing as they had left the door open–, and quickly made his way with the teens put of the building. Along the way, he may have been imagining it, but he could agure he heard what sounded like a whisper. Quite, bitter, cold, sad. But above all else, lonely.


Wide eyes watched as people rushed out of the school building, swiftly pulling into the dark coloured car and driving away. A sigh left the teen, he hadn't expected the police to send officers to check the building so soon. He thought he would've had more time. But it didn't seem like he did. Emerging from his hiding spot, the teen looked around, scanning the area. No one else insight. He clunchted the items in his arms, making his way through the gates and onto the schools grounds.

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