Chapter 1

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The world has turned to dust, buildings destroyed, cars toppled over, the ocean infected. Everything is gone, mankind has perished, what is left of the world is billions of zombies, roaming the Earth. Feeding on the remaining humans, if any.

3 months ago, a virus struck the Earth. A virus no one had ever seen before, too strong, too powerful, too dangerous, too deadly. And in just a few days, half the world had turned crazy. Society was infected by a virus that turned everyone into zombies. For some people, it took a few days to turn, for others a few weeks, or even a few months, although that is very rare.

But then there are the monsters. Infected animals. Deformed fish that can survive on land, elephants that have claws. Birds that can grow to the size of giraffes, the world is full of dangerous creatures. This was the only time that humans wished for a meteorite to kill humanity in seconds. Nobody wanted to turn, but it was inevitable.

Dream didn't think she was the only human left, but she was stuck in her hotel room. Unable to have any socialization for the past 3 months. She wasn't exactly lonely, she was okay with being alone, but there was no excitement. Dream was an observer. She watched as the world slowly perished. She watched as everyone slowly teared each other apart. Some said she was heartless for watching people get hurt but never doing anything about it. Some said she didn't have a soul. But she did have a heart, she did have a soul, she did have emotions. She just never cared enough to prove to people wrong.

Dream lived in a hotel, a hotel that has survived the numerous attacks by zombies and monsters. Now becoming one of the only standing buildings left. Some would find it surprising that an old, cheap hotel could survive a zombie apocalypse. Let alone the fact that giant animals are roaming the streets

"Any survivors, please call 04 092 8437." The speaker called.

Those words echoed through the city every single day at noon. No one knew if it was true, no one knew if there was safety. Most assumed that it was an old recording for when the apocalypse first started, but something malfunctioned so the speaker automatically says it every day.

Dream was running out of food. She was rationing and skipping meals everyday but slowly, everything was running out. She didn't exactly eat a lot in general, she was already skinny before the apocalypse but now, she's basically starving. Somehow the electricity was still on, although it flickers all the time. The water supply is still running, although Dream boils all her drinking water just in case it's infected.

You could say Dream was prepared for the worst, she had built weapons to fight off zombies and monsters. She created traps near all the windows and doors, and even a bell to notify her of intruders during the night. Dream was already equipped with survival skills, her brain worked like a robot, thinking of all the worst-case scenarios.

Contrary to the fact that this hotel was one of the last buildings standing. It wouldn't be a surprise that other people were still alive. Most consisting of healthy teenagers that could were fast and smart. That's really all you need for an apocalypse. Speed, stealth, strength, reflexes and intelligence. But the number 1 rule was to never be alone.

These teenagers were all alone though. They had nothing to rely on but their own senses. The world has become a dangerous place for these teenagers. Not everyone will make it to the end no matter how hard they tried. Not everyone will die happily. They will have to fight, kill and sacrifice. But even then, survival is the rarest thing possible.


Kai was a rather strange teenager compared to the others. Kai had just turned 18 years old, he was an introverted boy that couldn't care less about his life. Which is why he found it strange that he was making such an effort to stay alive. Why would a boy that never cared about his life be one of the only humans to have a beating heart right now?

Being known as the shy and quiet boy at school, Kai obviously had a lot of secrets. He was a runaway boy. Kai ran away from his home 3 years ago; his parents were going through a divorce. He was forced to choose between living with his mother or father. Instead... he ran. At the age of 15, Kai had dropped out of school, got a job, made money and somehow survived. No one ever found him, which made him even more convinced that his parents didn't even bother looking for him.

During those 3 years, Kai learnt everything he needed to survive a zombie apocalypse. He could fight and defend himself. He was once so desperate for food, he had to steal. He fought security guards, threatened workers... all because he didn't have the heart to go home.

Clara Woods was the youngest of the surviving teens at the hotel. She was almost 15 years old and a technology genius. She was a hacker, an engineer and a coder. Clara spent most of her spare time trying to send messages, codes or anything to the remaining survivors. She had seen her parents die right in front of her, trying to save her. They were ripped to pieces by monsters that entered through walls, sinks and drains. Her mother was bitten by a zombie and with her dying breath. She told Clara to live. This only made Clara more determined to survive the apocalypse.

Zayd was a famous teen model. He had just turned 17 and wasn't doing so well. As a famous model, he was privileged, he always had money and never dealt with any scandals. He was severely struggling with rationing his resources. He spent most of his days working out as he usually did as a model, or he would sleep. Zayd's only advantage was being physically fit, he had learnt martial arts as a kid and worked out regularly to keep up with his body for photoshoots. He was decently fast and could protect himself fairly well, so his only chance of dying was starvation. Out of all the teenagers, Zayd was most likely to die first.

Alexander and Alexandra, mainly known as Alex and Alexa were the 16-year-old inseparable twins. They were actually doing very well considering the current circumstances. They had each other to rely on, they had rationed very well and weren't bored at all. Alex was the strong fighter, he knew how to shoot and defend himself. He was fearless and was very good with weapons

Alexa on the other hand, was the intelligent twin. She calculated everything perfectly, and her problem solving was unbeatable. She knew how little they could everyday and was always prepared. Whenever Alex had to race, Alexa calculated distance and energy. She knew exactly how much energy Alex would need to complete the race and when he should speed up. Together, they were the brains and the balls.

Alone, these teenagers would never survive. Even though they were smart, fast and could defend themselves. That wasn't enough to survive what the world has become. But even together, not all of them would make it. It was almost impossible for all 6 teenagers to survive the end of the world. But together, maybe one, hopefully just one of them could make it to the end.

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