Chapter 11

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The next morning passed like a blur. Everyone had packed the day before and was ready to go the second they woke up. But something was off. The family-like atmosphere had disappeared overnight. As everyone piled into the elevator, not a word was spoken.

Anyone could sense the awkwardness from a mile away. Everyone was dead silent in the elevator. Even though the twins and Clara didn't know about the situation, they could tell how different the atmosphere was. The mood had dropped and everyone didn't say a word to each other. The elevator was taking years to travel to the 30th Floor, and then they had to travel to the roof by stairs. And the stairway was at the other end of the hallway, which meant they would have to fight at least a few zombies and monsters.

"Okay, when the doors open. Be prepared for the worst, we don't know what to expect. There could be hundreds of zombies and monsters waiting for us. Does everyone understand that?"

Everyone nodded without making a sound. As the elevator doors slowly opened, Dream felt a strange vibe. The floor was eerily quiet, something was wrong. Everyone knew that there had to be some zombies and monsters. The top and bottom floors were always the most infected.

"Something's wrong here. It can't be this quiet."

Everyone slowly stepped out of the elevator, cautious of all the vents and holes that monsters could be hiding in.

"Okay, everyone, walk to the stairs but don't open the door. Wait until I get there." Dream ordered.

As a group, everyone walked to the door. All eyes focused on each direction. There was something really fishy going on but no one knew anything. It was almost impossible for the top floors to be so dead and quiet.

Dream rested her hand on the doorknob that would let them into the stairway. Everyone knew for a fact that the stairway would have tons of zombies, it was piled up with zombies and monsters not so long ago. But after entering Floor 30, they didn't know what to expect anymore.

"1... 2... 3!"

Dream swings the door open and at first, it seemed like there weren't a lot of zombies and monsters. But once you stepped into the staircase and looked down... you would the mountain of zombies and monsters that were piled on top of each other, fighting for food.

Suddenly, a zombie lunges for Dream but Alex shoots it in the head before it could reach her. Unfortunately, this only attracted the attention of all the other creatures. The loud bang echoed through the staircase and all the zombies and monsters finally sensed the teenagers' presence.


Everyone sprints to the roof door as they see the zombies and monsters piling on top of each other. Almost creating a ladder for other zombies to reach them. The teenagers were so close to safety, only a few metres away from the door of Floor 31.

Dream grabs the doorknob and swings the door open, pushes everyone inside before slamming it closed. Tying the doorknob to a pole to ensure that nothing came through. Everyone sighed with relief, they had finally reached Floor 31.

But what was in front of them was not what they had expected. The people that ordered then to come to Floor 31 were there, yes. They said they would come with a helicopter; the helicopter was definitely there. The pilot was there, the messenger was there, the helicopter was there. But they were all zombies. In the span of a few days, the entire crew had turned into zombies.

"This is not good." Dream said.

There was no turning back now. The way they came in was a suicide zone, they were on top of the hotel. There were no walls, no people, no safety, nothing. What a beautiful place to die.

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