Chapter 13

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The remaining 3 teenagers ran for their lives. Swerving past zombies and cars. Trying to gain distance between. But no matter how hard they tried, the zombies were slowly creeping back up to them. Suddenly, Kai saw a figure behind a car. He panicked as he saw Clara race past the car.

"Clara, watch out!"

But before Clara could even react to Kai's screams, the figure lunged after her. Now, clearly a zombie waiting to attack, it gnawed at Clara's body. Kai shoved the zombie off Clara before piercing its body with a spear. But it was too late. Kai was too late. By the time he was able to shove the zombie off Clara, there was barely anything of her left.

Kai stood terrified as he saw the remains of Clara's corpse. Another one was dead. Another friend, another child, another life lost. Dream stopped in her tracks as she saw Kai staring at Clara's body.

"Kai, we have to get out of here..."

But Kai didn't reply to her. He didn't even react or move. He just stared blankly at the corpse on the floor. In such a short amount of time, he had lost so many friends. So many people he thought he'd survive with. "What am I without them?" Kai thought. He turned around to face Dream, the only one left. Her diamond eyes stared back at him, blinding him.

"Kai! Come on, we need to get out of here!" she shouted but Kai didn't hear a thing.

He was in limbo, daydreaming. He was lost, stuck in the same place he was so many years ago. Stuck in the same day when he had to choose between his mum or his dad. There were always 2 choices, but he chose option 3, he ran. Right now, right here. He had 3 options. Save Dream, save himself or die with Dream.

Suddenly, he felt something grab him and he collapsed onto the ground. The pain of the fall travelling through his body. Maybe this was the end for him too. Maybe there was no happy ending to this madness.


"KAI!" Dream shouted as she saw a zombie shove him to the ground.

Dream and Kai needed to escape but everyone was dead. Alexa was ripped to shreds, Alex had avenged his twin by sacrificing his life and dying with her. Clara was eaten by zombies and Dream had to shoot Zayd in the head so he wouldn't turn. Right now, Dream and Kai only had each other.

"Get off him!" Dream cried, trying to shove the zombie off Kai.

Dream grabbed his hand and they ran for their lives. They were doomed. There were hundreds if not thousands of zombies chasing after them. There was no way out. The plane was the only place they could run to. But the zombies would destroy it before they could even block out the windows.

"Is this the very last of us?" Dream thought as she gripped onto Kai's hand. Why were they running from something that was inevitable? Death. The world had crumbled in front of their eyes, life had perished in just a few months. This game of survival would never end.

Just as they both reached the plane, Kai shoved Dream in first. Dream was his number one priority, he valued her above anything. He wanted her to live. Suddenly, he grabbed the last grenade from his torn bag.

"What are you doing?!" Dream shouted.

"Get out of here, Dream. You have to live."

Dream knew what Kai was going to do. "I'm not leaving you here. We can get out. We can both get out of this."

"No, we can't!" Kai protested. "Can't you see Dream?! We're doomed. The zombies will kill us before we know it. But you can survive. I can blow them up. I can do it."

"You can't die! Kai, you can't die like that! I'll die with you. I am the last human on Earth. There's nothing for me here if I don't have you. So, I'm going to die with you, Kai. Everyone I've ever cared about is dead. You can't leave me stranded here. You can't abandon me like everyone else." Dream cried.

Kai stared into Dream's eyes. The sound of zombies grew louder. You could hear the rumbling of the floor echo through the walls. The number of zombies made the ground shake and rumble like an earthquake.

"I love you, Dream."

Just as he said those words, he grabbed a pole and rushed out the plane door. Locking the door with the pole so Dream couldn't interfere.

"No, no, no! Kai, don't do this!" Dream shouted.

But Kai ignored her. He marched to the middle of the field, with the plane just out of blast radius. But with the number of zombies, the plane was bound to be affected. Kai tried to ignore Dream as she screamed and cried. He felt a tear roll down cheek, knowing that this was his last moment.

Just before the zombies attacked Kai, he mouthed something. Live. Zombies toppled Kai over just as he pulled the pin out.

"No, no, no! KAI!" Dream cried, trying to break through the window.




"Stop hurting him!"





"Please don't go Kai."



Dream took this last second to say what she could never say to Kai. He couldn't hear her, but he knew that she had said it. He knew that Dream couldn't watch him die without saying it.

"I love you too, Kai."


Dream ducked under the window just as the grenade exploded. The impact was so powerful that it shattered the plane windows. Shattered glass flew across the plane, showering the seats. Once the explosion had died down, and Dream knew there were no zombies. She peaked outside the window, shaking in fear.


But all she saw was death. Bodies of zombies and monsters that painted the field black. He was gone. Dream felt her heart break as she plummeted to the floor. She cried her heart out, shedding every tear possible.

"KAI!" she screamed.

Her heart was beating like a drum, growing faster and louder. Dream stood up with trembling legs. She smashed everything possible. She threw cups and plates across the room. She punched pillows and seats in anger. She tossed bags without knowing where they would go.

Everyone she had ever loved. Everyone she had ever cared about was dead. Her mother was dead, her friends were dead. Kai was dead, her first love. The person she would die for ended up dying for her. Everyone was gone, she was the last human on Earth. But what was there for her here?

She didn't want it to sink in. She didn't want to realise that she was all alone again. For just a while, she had a real family. She had people to love, she had people to care for, she had people to trust and die for, but she also had people to live for. Now, they were all gone. For just a while, Dream was happy on the inside. Even though she rarely showed it, every day she was smiling, she was laughing, she was happy.

These people, they gave her a reason to live. They fought for each other, everyone fought so that someone else could live. Never in her life had Dream encountered a group of messed up teenagers. Smart, funny, weird and selfless. Teenagers that were outcasts, teenagers that weren't accepted by others. Dream realised that she was never alone.

For the first time ever, Dream wanted to live. Even though everyone she ever loved was gone. She wanted to live for them. They fought for her, they sacrificed their lives so that at least one of them would survive the end of the world. Dream was going to be that person. No matter what it took, no matter how hard it would get. No matter how lonely she felt, or the countless times she'll cry. She'll live. For herself and for her family.

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