~the start.~

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Harry had gotten off the train with Ron and Hermione by his side, Hogwarts was rebuilt, surprisingly quicker than ever, he couldn't be happier to be back home, he'd finished everything, now he could stay calm and happy, do things he'd always been too busy to do.

"Harry, I'm so glad we're back." Hermione said rubbing her arm, she'd got a bruise there, from the war.
"Hermione, that still hurts?!" Harry asked sadly.
"A bit, harry, don't worry!" She said smiling at him.
"Yeah mate, I'm sure hermione will be better soon, I've been taking care of her." Said Ron kissing hermione's forehead, when Harry smiled up in delight, he liked seeing them so happy, he'd broke up with ginny, because he realised that it was more kind of a sister to him, and he obviously fell out of love.

Harry then saw a flock of blond hair, through the small crowd, he couldn't help but smile when he saw who it was.

Draco Malfoy.

"Harry?" Hermione called out to harry, and tried to see who he was looking at.

"Yes hermione?" He said smiling at her.
"Who are you looking at? Let me see!" She said excitingly.

"Oh well, no one." Harry said with a chuckle and pat her head.
"Fine then, Should we get going now?" Ron asked happily.

"Oh I do have one thing for the 8th years tho-" Harry said reaching into a bag and showing them almost 20 new smart phones.

"Harry, did you really just get 20 smartphones for our friends?" Hermione asked surprised.
"Yeah, I did! Aren't they wonderful?" Harry asked happily
Hermione gave him a look of surprise, he was happy? He'd spent alot of money, just for his friends, then she gave harry a hug.

"What was that for, hermione?" Harry asked laughing
"You're so stupid- but also sweet at the same time- you literally bought muggle devices for all of our friends." Hermione said happily.

"Yeah- I think I should start giving them out to people." Harry said aiming his eyes at draco.

"How about we go to draco first?" Hermione said giving him an evil smirk, she'd obviously noticed.
"Yeah- sure-" Ron said but was cut off by harry.
"No!- I mean- we can give one to him later." Harry said nervously.

"Sure, mate, sure." Ron said giving him the same smirk hermione had given him.
Harry felt his face flush, why were they teasing him like this?

Harry started walking towards the gate when Ron and Hermione both looked at eachother, and pushed him onto someone.

Harry heard them giggling and laughing loudly

I'm going to kill them!
Harry thought angrily.

"Hey, are you okay?" Said a voice, and offered his arm to pull harry up- harry was quite blank, and was surprised to see who it was.



Draco helped and pulled up harry, trying not to grin.

"Erm, I'm quite sorry about that, malfoy." Harry said staring at him blankly.
"It's fine, potter." Draco said trying to act as tough as possible.

Harry smiled at draco, he'd look healthier than before.
Draco couldn't help but look away and smile all to himself.

"Well, I've got something for you." Harry said reaching into his bag.
"What is it potter?" Draco said trying to sound rude.

Harry took out a phone, and gave it to him
"I assume you've never heard about this muggle device."
"I haven't, tell me about it." Draco said fascinatingly.

"Oh well, this is a phone, you can message me, from a few apps- and well talk to me-" harry was cut off by pansy,

"I've heard of this from hermione, Gryffindork, I can explain it to him" pansy said shooting him a smile.

Harry reached into his bag and handed pansy a phone, it was the best he could do.
"Thanks." She said in reply, and dragged draco away, who frowned, when Harry chuckled and waved him goodbye.

"So..fancy malfoy now, do we?" Ron said teasingly
"Ron!" Harry said angrily with his cheeks turning crismon.

"I hope I'll see him again.." Harry said reaching for his bag and handed ron and Hermione two new phones.

"Why thank you harry!" Hermione said.
"No problem" harry replied
"Woah, mate, this must've been expensive, thanks!" Ron said hugging harry, and they walked towards class this year was going to be brilliant.

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