~chapter 3~

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Harry sat in the great hall thinking of someone, draco perhaps, staring at the slytherin table, looking extremely happy.

"Harry- you're doing it again." Hermione said hitting the back of his head.

"Hermione- it's none of your business!" Harry said angrily and started eating his food.

"Mate- you can tell us if you fancy malfoy, we won't mind." Ron said with a sigh

"Ron, I don't- forget it." Harry said putting away his food and taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

"Yeah- last night was so hilarious!" Seamus said happily.

"I'm just gonna leave now-" harry said getting up and grabbing his phone.

He started scrolling on instagram, he only followed his friends, so it wasn't too big of a deal.

peterparkinsonpansy posted a picture, tagged @draco.mxlfoy

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167 likes, liked by mixnegranger, ronaldweaslebee and others.
Peterparkinsonpansy: my best friend is a hottie check 😗

draco.mxlfoy: pansy stop- that was literally taken on a muggle bus, why'd you post that?

Peterparkinsonpansy: because it's hot duh 📸

mixnegranger: nice picture, malfoy, suprised harry isn't here spam liking it.

Ronaldweaslebee: pfft, ikr

draco.mxlfoy: potter? Why would he be here???

Ronaldweaslebee: find out yourself heh 😏✨

Mixnegranger: lmfao 😭 istg


Harry looked up from his phone and smiled, the picture was kinda hot tho, he was ready to admit.

Harry started scrolling through the comments, pretty funny..

Harry thought pansy was really funny, she did try to kill him and sacrifice him to voldemort yeah- but he believed it was out of pure fear.

He started scrolling through his phone again, when someone pinned their hand the wall behind him, Harry looked up to see, ofcourse, Draco.

"Uh, you need anything, malfoy?" He asked blankly

"Yeah- what's with your friends, they're weird." Draco snapped

"It's not my fault, they think I fancy you." Harry said looking back down at his phone.

Draco lifted up Harry's chin.

"What now?!" Harry asked angrily
"-leave me alone malfoy." He added.

"No?" Draco said pinning him further to the wall, when Harry slipped out of his reach and chuckled

"What's with your behaviour? You're acting weird-" harry said still laughing, and then grabbed draco's phone.

"Hey! Give that back!-" draco yelled when Harry set oh running

"You'll never catch me, malfoy"  harry yelled excitedly laughing.

"Yes I will, potter!" Said draco now running after harry.

Harry stopped to catch his breath for a moment when draco pinned him back to wall and started laughing.

"oh my merlin- you run extremely fast- I didn't know you could run so quickly!" Draco said still laughing and himself, catching his breath.

"Here's your phone back, it's not worth running for anyway" harry said chuckling

"My dorm? Tonight? Wanna hang out- I mean- if you want to-" Draco offered Harry.

"Ah yeah, sure" harry said smiling.

"Thanks." Draco said ruffling up Harry's hair and swiftly running back to the potions classroom.

Harry swore he could've felt his cheeks turn a light shade of pink, he couldn't help but smile.


Harry sat down after a few hours in defence against the dark arts, bill weasley was their permanent teacher, he stared at draco who was a few seats away, when draco stared back harry quickly looked back down, draco smirked, he knew harry was staring.



Am I that handsome, that you can't keep your eyes to yourself, potter?

Harry: what are you on about?

Draco: y'know what I mean, stop playing.

Harry: pff, whatever, just pay attention to class, prat.

Draco: yeah yeah, fine.

Draco: 🖤

*Draco has deleted a message*


Draco chuckled to himself and started writing his notes, he felt quite flustered.

He leaned back in his seat with his hands covering his face.

He looked back at harry with his head on the table, and started ripping out a piece of paper, and took out a quill

He wrote a paper crumbled it up, and threw it at harry

"What was that about!?" Harry mouthed to him, angrily.

"Open it, idiot." Draco mouthed back, smirking.

Hey scarhead, what's up?

"You sent me a note for this?" Harry wispered blankly

"Yeah?" Draco wispered back

Piss off, dipshit.

Harry threw the paper back at draco and started paying attention to class again.

He smiled, he wanted to be with draco.

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