~chapter 9~

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Harry and Draco were quite sad for a few days they hadn't talked to eachother in 3 days, quite the record for them.
Draco was embarrassed,
And Harry was sad.
What if he made draco feel bad, its nothing like that- he just thought the kiss was something as a joke and- and..

Why would he kiss me as a joke?..

Harry gathered up his courage, and picked up his phone, but he saw something nevertheless not expected.

posted by @draco.mxlfoy


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draco.mxlfoy: I'm moving to America with my mom soon, maybe taking my studies at the magic school there, I'll miss you all.


mixnegranger: OMFG draco don't go harry loves you-! [100 likes]

Ronaldweaslebee: mate you can't leave- [80 likes]
draco.mxlfoy: its for the best, honestly going to go settle there is for the better.

Peterparkinsonpansy: bby no, you can't leave, I'll miss you way too much, we've spent our whole life together. [90 likes]
draco.mxlfoy: pansy..you know cissy's sick..I have to, ilysm bestay 💔

blaiseiscoolerthanyou: Draco no please no no no no no no no no bro you can't go, you're my homie, don't go please [100 likes]
draco.mxlfoy: I'll miss you- so damn much.

Harry got off his phone screen, tears streaming before he could even know it, leaving? No, he couldn't leave, just no.

Hermione came into the room, and saw harry crying, legitimately now sobbing.

"I reckon you heard..oh harry.." she said running up to him and hugging him.

"Hermione- he can't leave.." harry said his voice muffled with sobs and sniffling.

"I'm sorry harry- he told me his mom was sick and.." Hermione stopped herself.

Harry burst into tears.

"You love him, don't you?" Hermione said patting his shoulder and looking away sadly.

Harry gave a nod, he couldn't say anything.

"I understand how you feel Harry, I really do." Hermione said sadly.

harry slowly took out the jacket he'd took from draco, and cried, he just cried.

Hermione looked heartbroken, she'd never seen harry cry for something as blank as this.

"Harry.." Hermione said when harry gasped and took out a locket from the jacket pocket.

"Its his.. locket.." Harry said wiping his tears a bit.

"That's a pretty one, reckon he bought it for you." Hermione said with a smile

Harry let out a small sad chuckle.

"I love him." Harry said sadly

"I know." Hermione replied, hugging harry again.

"he's leaving the night tommrow, you have to do something.." Hermione said sadly

"I will.. I will..I just need some time.." harry said with a sigh.

"Goodnight harry, let's hope for the best." Hermione said getting up and hugging harry.

"Bye Hermione, goodnight." He said still a bit sad.

Hermione left, and harry stood in the balcony of his dorm, he thought about good times, with draco, this year.

He was leaving harry.

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