5: Mike Haggar VS Zangief

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Everyone started to wake up and wash their faces.

Ruby: Hey, Yang?

Yang: Yes, Ruby?

Ruby ( in worried): What do you think happened to him ? - she asks, looking worried.

Yang didn't understand what she was talking about at first , but then she remembered about his scars on his arm .

Yang ( in uncertainly): Oooh, is that what you mean ?

Ruby: Yeah.

Yang: Ruby , I don't think we need to talk about this.

Ruby: I'm just worried .

Blake: Not just you.

They turn around and see Blake and Weiss.

Yang: Are you also worried about him ?

Weiss: Yes.

Blake: I can't stop thinking about it.

Yang: Me, too , but I don't think he'll tell us.

Akame: Just give him time to get used to you.

They start and see Akame with Tifa .

Tifa: It had always been difficult for him to get used to others before , but the event that happened to him two months ago made it even worse.

There was an awkward silence after that .

Ruby ( in uncertainly): Can we go to the dining room? - she suggested uncertainly .

Akame: I'm starving .

Ruby: Yes, let's go .

Blake ( in mind): Ummm , I wonder what he cooked today ? - the thought made her drool.

/ With Ozpin's group/

Ironwood: I'm worried about this guy .

Ozpin ( to James ): Are you talking about Mr. Uzumaki ?

Ironwood: Yes.

Glynda: Probably because of his mental state .

Qrow: Do you think he might attack us ?

Ironwood: Honestly, I don't know .

Ozpin: It is unlikely that we have anything to say about him, since we do not know anything about him .

Glynda: Yes, and it is unlikely that the Oum and the Paradox will just tell us .

Qrow: Well, I think the time will come and we will find out everything.

Everyone gathered in the hall and met the new arrivals: Hazel and Annabel Rainart .

Hazel ( to Ozpin): Oum told me everything, but that doesn't mean I'm forgiving you

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Hazel ( to Ozpin): Oum told me everything, but that doesn't mean I'm forgiving you .

Ozpin ( in sadly): I see.

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