Don't play innocent!!

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Solar/Delusion's P.O.V
Me and Ink stood back to back. We weren't really frightened of Dream, but considering what he did to Mischief...we decided to be cautious. I turned my head towards the doorway as I heard footsteps approaching. Dream studied the two of us and smiled. I say two, because 404 had disappeared somewhere else into the base/house. "Solar!~ Ink!~ How nice to see you!~"

I growled. "Don't play innocent, Dream!! You know very well why we're here!!" Dream frowned, looking between us.  "I have no clue as to what your talking about!~ This is a very unexpected visit!~" I started to get even more angry. How DARE he play innocent! After what he DID! Ink put a hand on my shoulder. "Dream, just spill it. You want Solar to yourself, don't you? So you killed his child?"

Dream's voice and expression went blank. "So what? That child was doomed from the beginning. Nightmare doesn't deserve someone as caring and sweet as you, Solar~"

Ink's P.O.V
I wasn't surprised. "You could have killed your brother too..but you didn't. Do you still feel sympathy for him?" I flinched at the scrapping, metallic laugh that came from his mouth. "Sympathy? SYMPATHY?! That monster doesn't DESERVE my sympathy! He doesn't DESERVE ANYTHING!! HE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!!" I glanced at Solar, who trying to keep himself calm but he just snapped.

Solar's body was covered in electricity that was made up of the anger and grief his body and mind were going through. He punched Dream right in his face, then full force kicked him in the ribs. A few very audible snaps were heard as his ribs broke. I went to attack as well but I was stopped by strings. I looked up and 404 looked back at me. He shook his head. "ThIs iS sOlAR's fIgHT."

(I felt like I should add this- sooo- Night be not giving two shits- at least he looks like it. He really is upset about losing Mischief, he just doesn't wanna show it cause he's a stubborn octopus.)


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