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The signage read as the car I was in, stopped in front of the huge gate of the school intended to train supernatural beings like me, the academy was situated somewhere no ordinary human can find. It was concealed by an enchantment so that it can only be accessible to supernaturals. It is my dream to train here, just like my father, he was a noble man and I admire him so much, I want to be just like him, and my mother does not like the Idea of it, don't get me wrong, mom loves dad so much she just don't want me to end up like him.

"Identification?" a tall man with a very built physique visible despite his clothes spoke as I approached the entrance.

I handed him my acceptance letter I received last week.

"Acceptance letter? School started last month, This is overdue." He again spoke and stared at me suspiciously.

"It was sent to me last week, There's a date indicated there."
He opened the letter and his expression confused me, he stared at me and asked me if I was somehow related to Einar.

"Yeah, He's my father."

"Well I'll be damned." He chuckled. "Come in" He opened the gate and ushered me inside.
"You wait here and I'll signal Ms. Lim that you have arrived."

I sat on a bench and took my time to admire the place where I have always wanted to be at. This is it, dad. I'll do everything I can to follow your footsteps. I'll make you proud. I whispered to myself.

"Ms. Fireheart" A beautiful woman called to me as I stand up to greet her.

"Yes, that's me." She extended her hand for a handshake which I gladly took.

"I'm Ammara Lim, Welcome to RAVENWOOD academy, I'm the administrator for the academy's Student affairs." She looks like an angel with a very sweet smile and the softest voice ever, and she looks very young like only a few years older than me. "Follow me, Ms."

We started walking while I continue to roam my eyes around the place. Damn, this place is very huge, as we are walking we passed by some students talking or playing around, what mesmerizes me is that they were using their powers and joking around freely. I grew up not really able to use my gift as freely as I want, sure my dad taught me how to properly control it and trained me to fight, but living in a place where normal human beings are, kind of restricts me from exploring my powers more. But hey, In our world, natural and supernatural human beings coexist, but super beings having the ability so unnatural, most of the times scared the naturals, that is why we kind of avoid letting them see us use our powers. But here, In this place, I can use my ability freely, the thought paints a smile on my face.

"How are you feeling right now Ms. Fireheart?" I heard Ms. Lim asked as we stopped in front of a door with an engraving on it, Ammara Davika Lim. "This is my office, Come in." I followed her inside and she ushered me to sit on the chair in front of her table.

"I feel excited, It has always been my dream to join this Academy." I answered to her earlier question to me. "But can I ask something?" She nod her head. " The man from the gate told me that class already started like a month ago. Why was the letter for me arrived just last week?"

"Oh, that. There was just some error in sorting the papers, we apologize."

"Oh, no, it's okay. I was just confused. So I missed a month of lectures then?" I asked.

"Yes, but don't worry Ms. Fireheart. We got it covered for you" she said as she took out some papers and books and hand it to me. "This is the student handbook, the rules and regulations of the Academy, read it since you missed the orientation for the new students, but I'll have someone guide you and orient you still." I nod as I took the handbook from her. "And this are the lessons you missed, Just read it. It's not really much, you can catch up easily. Now, We give new students a week to settle down here and everything before you are required to attend classes." Settle down, fvck my things. "Where are your belongings Ms. Fireheart?" She asked me, Oh damn I left it at the car that picked me up and brought me here, I was so mesmerized by the place that it completely left my mind.

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