My Enemy

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I'm hanging out with my bestie, sitting at the patio of a beautiful cafe in Seoul. We finish our food and get up to leave. As I'm talking to Daehyun, without looking I bump into...Taehyung.

"Watch where you're- ohh Y/N." He says and smirks. His best friend Jungkook standing behind him and trying not to pay attention to me.

"Oh Taehyung! Shouldn't you be in your coffin so you can suck others blood the next night?" I say and smile. I roll my eyes and me and Daehyun were about to walk away until...he grabs my wrist and pulls me back. My eyes widen as I fling back into his chest.

"Taehyung let me go!" I shriek.

"Taehyung let her go, we need to be somewhere." Daehyun says and grabs my wrist. He lets me go and I rub my wrist.

"Oww! Such a jerk!" I say as me and Daehyun walk away.

Taehyung POV

Y/N and Daehyun walk away as I let go of her wrist.

"Hyung why do you bother her? She's so sweet." Jungkook says as we walk into the cafe.

"Shut up. You should see her face when I bother her. It's all I need to make my day." I say as Jungkook nods confused. After me and Jungkook hang out, I arrive at my parent's home. They needed me for something. I arrive home and sit down with my parents.

"Taehyung..." My father starts off.


"What! No, no no! Please tell me this isn't true!" I yell as my parents stand up from their seat.

"Honey it's true...I need you to do this for my business, please!" My father begs.

"You want me to marry Taehyung so your and his father's businesses can get more popular?" I say trying to process what they were telling me.

" opinions from you are needed. You're marrying Taehyung no matter what you say."


"No buts. Min Y/N you need to do this, for me." My father finishes off. He was always strict on me and I had to do what he said or else I'd get in trouble...

"Fine...I'll do it." I say and look down.

"Thanks honey..." My mom says. I knew she felt bad for me, she always wanted me to be happy but she had no say in what my father decides for me.

Taehyung POV

"M-Min Y/N? She's my enemy! We hate each other!" I say and hold my head in my hands.

"Kim Taehyung! Don't give me that, you're marrying this girl no matter what! Now go to your room!" My father yells in frustration. He hated when I didn't listen to him. I storm off to my room. I text Y/N.

Taehyung: I assume you already know? 🙄
Y/N: I assume you also just found out? I can't fucking believe this
Taehyung: Oh believe it
Y/N: I'd rather die ☺️
Taehyung: Oh baby I'll kill you myself, don't worry
Y/N: Living with me will be a nightmare, Kim Taehyung. Goodnight 😏
Taehyung: Min Y/N don't worry, I won't be easy on you 😋
Y/N: 🙄
Taehyung: 😚

Teasing her is my hobby. She gets so pissed off but it makes me so happy. We've had issues for about 10 years now...and even after 10 years, we still know each other.


My parents told me we're going to Taehyung's parent's house tomorrow to meet each other and the families...I'm so nervous. I don't know why. I don't care what Taehyung thinks. I pick out a cute outfit for tomorrow.

Enemies to Lovers || Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now