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Taehyung comes out...

"Tiffany what are you doing here?" He asks.

"Babe!" She says and jumps into his arms. I roll my eyes.

"Let's go somewhere else." He says and carries here out of the room as she giggles annoyingly. I stand there blank. Did he not see me? Was I invisible all of a sudden? Such a bitch. I go downstairs to grab some water and overhear their conversation.

"So you didn't tell her about me yet? She better not do anything with you, you're all mine!" Tiffany whines.

"I didn't get the chance to tell her yet but she wouldn't care, we hate each other. It wasn't a lie...but still.

"Oh okay then. Come kiss me." She says trying to seduce him and pulls him closer.

"Say less." He says and smirks and kisses her passionately. She lets out her annoying as fuck giggles and moans. I raise my eyebrow and stand there confused as fuck. What has my life become...As I'm in my thoughts, I trip on the fucking floor. Like how!? I stand there frozen as Taehyung pulls away from his kiss.

"Y/N?" He calls out as I hold my breath. My heart beats faster and faster as his footsteps get louder and closer to where I was. He grabs my arm and pulls me in front of him.

"Ow!" I shriek and hold my wrist to pull it out of his grip.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asks in his deep voice. Why did he sound so sexy...

"I-I came down for a drink and tripped...that's all." I say trying not stutter as I stared into his beautiful dark eyes.

"Tell me the truth." He orders.

"I am! T-Taehyung stop you're hurting me!" I yell in pain.

"You whore! Go somewhere else you ruined our moment!" His Tiffany yells as she walks over to us.

"Tiffany stop. Y/N don't spy on me." He says and let's go of my wrist. I hold it in pain.

"You're a bitch." I whisper under my breath and walk back upstairs.

"Jeez! Now where were we?" Tiffany says and wraps her arms around his neck. He smirks and kisses her. He lifts her up from her ass and places her on the counter. I go and lay down in bed. An hour later Taehyung comes up. He lays down and faces me. I turn around and face my back to him.

"Don't face me, I don't give a fuck. But we have a meeting tomorrow, as a couple for my dad's business meeting. We need to be there. They won't be but it's a staff meeting, I work for my dad so you need to be there with me, as my wife." He says. My wife. I shudder at his words.

"Okay..." I say and close my eyes. We both go to sleep.

Time Skip to the Next Morning

He didn't touch me as he was asleep, at all. The entire night he stayed on his side of the bed, not a finger touched me, even by accident. We really do hate each other. We both woke up at around 9 am and arrived at his fathers building. We both walk in and get stopped by one of the workers. He pats Taehyung on the back and Taehyung gives a slight smile.

"Mmm and who's this tasty piece of candy?" He says and licks his lips at me. I felt uncomfortable and looked at Taehyung with scared eyes. He held my hand and caressed it with his thumb.

"This, is my wife." He says seriously. I look at him and his smile fades.

"Lucky guy, you won a jackpot." He says and kisses my hand. I put on a sweet smile and he walks away from us. I start pulling my dress down, I felt uncomfortable now.

"C-can we go?" I ask Taehyung scared from all the attention I was getting.

"Y/N that's a question you already know the answer to. No we can't. Maybe dress more comfortably or less revealing next time." Taehyung says rudely and drags me with him. How was I being revealing? I was wearing a fucking long sleeve top with a black skirt up to my knees!


"Y/N don't make this harder than it has to be. Hurry up." He says. I give up and let him drag me. We arrive in the meeting room and look around. He grabs my hand and puts me on the chair and sits next to me. I look next to me and there was an incredibly handsome man...

"You done staring?" The man teases.

"S-sorry..." I say and look away.

"Don't be, I'm Jin." He says.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N."

"Last name?" He asks.

"Min Y/N." I say accidentally.

"She's Kim Y/N, actually." Taehyung says.

"Y-yeah...Kim Y/N."

"Nice to meet you. Taehyung you caught quite a girl." He says. Taehyung doesn't reply and grips his hand on my thigh. I shriek in pain.

"You okay?" Jin asks.

"Y-yeah, sorry." I answer. Me and Jin keep talking after a minute or two. Taehyung's grip all of a sudden gets tighter. I jump up in pain but Taehyung's hand pulls me down by my thigh. He fingertips leaving marks on my skin. I hold his hand tightly, begging him to let go. He grip only grew tighter when Jin asked me a question and I answered. Why did he care if I talked to him? I didn't stop him from making out with his stripper, or whoever she is. After the meeting everybody left and me and Taehyung were the only ones in there. He grabbed my hand in yanked me back.

"Ow! What the fuck is your problem!" I say.

"Don't talk to anybody." He says angrily.

"Why the fuck do you care is what I want to know!" I say and yank my hand out of his strong grip.

"If I say something there's a reason, don't test my patience Kim Y/N." He says strictly. He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room. We were about to leave until I heard a voice.

"Wait Y/N!" Jin calls. Me and Taehyung stop walking.

"Go to the car, I'm coming." I say and send him.

"Don't do anything." He whispers in my ear and leaves.

"Sorry, you called me?" I ask.

"Yeah...I was wondering if I could get your number? It's obvious you and Taehyung don't like each other so you must have been forced into marrying him, so if you "cheat" you're not really cheating." He says. He had a good point...

"Yeah sure, here." I give him my number.

"I'll call you, see you." He says and kisses my hand. I smile and leave. I get in the car and stare out the window.

"What did he want?" Taehyung asks keeping his eyes on the road.

"Nothing..." I answer.

"Your number?" He says casually. He knows everything.

"And what if he did?"

"I don't care, just be careful." He says.

"I don't need your worries." I say rudely.

"I'm not worrying, you're going to get yourself into a mess, so you get out of it." He says and chuckles. I roll my eyes. I get a text message as Taehyung drives us home.

Unknown: Hey 😏 Y/N?
Y/N: Jin?
Unknown: Yep
Y/N: Okay, I'm going to change your contact
Jin 😉: What did you change it to?
Y/N: "Jin 😉" 😏
Jin: Cute, yours is "Y/N 😍"
Y/N: I love it
Jin: I love yours more 😋
Y/N: ☺️

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