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The Next Night


We arrive at the restaurant. I was wearing a simple black dress up to my knees with spaghetti straps.

"The Min family?" A waitress asks.

"Yes. We're looking for the Kim family." My father says.

"I figured, right this way!" She says and leads us. We walk through the door and into a special private room. Taehyung's eyes shoot to me as I walk in. I got nervous for some reason.

"You guys made it! Please, take a seat." Mr.Kim says as we all greet each other. I sit between Ms Kim and my mom.

"Y/N, go sit with Taehyung." My mother says. I signal her with my eyes, trying to tell her I don't want to but my father gives me his look. I sigh and go to the other side and sit next to Taehyung. He wasn't looking happy, I'm not either but you could see it on his face clearly, a bit too clearly. I look over at him and he looked back at me. I quickly look away. He looked like he wanted to kill someone...and most of the time everybody takes their anger out on me. My father still slaps me sometimes...

"Okay, so Y/N will go shopping for her dress tomorrow with whoever she wants to take and Taehyung will go shopping for his suit. We already have all the venues and everything booked, so shopping is the only thing left for you two. And Y/N needs to pack her stuff and move into Taehyung's house." Mr Kim says. Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"Okay..." I say as Taehyung stays silent.

"Taehyung?" His father says.

"Whatever." He says annoyed. I tap his thigh, signalling him to be nice.

"We'll talk later son." His father says trying not to sound angry. Then we started ordering food and Taehyung left the room without saying anything.

"I'll be right back." I say and follow behind Taehyung. They nod at me and continue their conversation.

"Taehyung! What's wrong with you!" I yell and run behind him. "Why are you being rude than usual? You look angry..."

"Why the fuck wouldn't I be? You want me to be happy?" He says and raises his voice at me. I flinch.

"I-I'm not happy either but we need to do this for our dads..." I say quietly.

"Fuck my father! Why is he making decisions for me? He's making me marry you for him and your dad. Why don't they care about what I think? Does my opinion not fucking matter? Huh!" He says angrily.

"I'm sorry but I can't do anything. Just control your anger. Please..." I say softly and walk away from him. He sighs and follows behind be back into the room. We both sit down and our parents look at us.

"You guys good?" My mother asks. We both nod. We finish off the dinner and say goodbye. I don't talk to Taehyung and just glance at him after saying goodbye to his parents. He doesn't seem to care that I didn't say bye. Why would he though.

Time Skip to the Next Day

I take Daehyun dress shopping with me.

"Oh my god Y/N no!" She says and covers her eyes. "That doesn't suit you at all. Take it away lady!" She orders. I giggle at her seriousness. She'd always say she wanted to be with my at my wedding, so she takes this seriously.

"Daehyun! Sorry miss, this isn't for me." I say politely and apologize on Daehyun's behalf. She runs away and comes back with a gorgeous dress...

"This is for you girl! Now try it on." She says. I chuckle and to change into it. I come back out and Daehyun's mouth dropped.

Enemies to Lovers || Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now