☆A talk☆

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Narrators pov.
   Alberto was called over to Lucas grandma/abuela to supposedly "talk" as they take a walk around the coastal.

Alberto's pov.
When Lucas grandma/abuela called me to talk I wasn't suspecting it to be on a walk. "Say Alberto how do you feel now that luca is back in portorosso?" She asks as I respond politely "Its nice I guess". We turn a corner "you guess huh? So I'm guessing is that you really dont mind if someone else would take luca from you?" She says with a questionable look and that's when I realise that she's trying to bring feelings out of me. " Exactly why are you asking these questions?" I ask not trying to be irritated as I'm already by listening to Lucas love for someone, "I'm doing it so you can realise your own feelings dear boy".

Lucas abuelas pov.
   When asking these questions to Alberto so he can finally confront his feelings since it was clearly obvious that they both have feelings for each other but I want going to ruin this sweet little thing that they have on going. Yet its quiet annoying that they're playing around the Bush than rather confessing so I decided to give them a push although my daughter told me not to but who am I too listen to her I mean I am her mother afterall.

Narrators pov.
When Alberto was trying to think of an answer luca came up to them.

Lucas pov.
I came up to my abuela and Alberto as I smile and Alberto looks at me when I feel my cheeks rise with heat and my heart feels like it's going to explode with tiny fireworks. "Hey guys why are you out here when the party is almost over" I say with a smile as I look over to Alberto and then my abuela. "We were just having a small talk and it seems he forgotten his answer so let's go back" my abuela says as she walks infront of us and I turn over to Alberto. "Hey alberto" I say with still blush on my face and turns his head to look at me which I got alittle lost in those green eyes, I grab his hand and say "c'mon let's go enjoy the party alberto".

Alberto's pov.
  After looking to his big brown eyes he pulls me by my hand making little butterfly's go in my stomach and my cheeks rising of heat. As we run past Lucas abuela she winks at me mouthing 'go get em' and we head back to the party.

Narrators pov.
  When luca and Alberto returned to the party, they were still holding hands as giulia whistled and they both down separating their hands,missing the feeling. The party came up on rasp and ended with such bliss when luca and Alberto separated their ways making the too boys feel some sort of loneliness and sadness.

♡ authors note♡
Dear readers,
       I dearly hope that you all are enjoying the book and I must say it took sometime to figure out how to proceed so I took some liberty to say that I shall be almost updating every day. I do enjoy your comments and such so much it give me courage to continue writing from reading those comments. Please if you want leave those comments and tell me if you wish to have anything changed or not.
                                     ♤ your author♤

                                 Sincerely                                      ♤ your author♤

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