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Every Wednesday, you had to partner up for the lab experiments and you and Yeonjun would always be together. But today was different.

The proffresor entered the class, talking about teaming up for the experiment

"alright so the partners-"

"I would like to team up with Y/N"

Jaehyun said raising his hand. You looked at him confused but he didn't even glance at you.

"okay so t-"

"I would like to partner up with Yeonjun"

She looked at you and smirked but you were only looking at Yeonjun.


"why did you choose me?"

You ask Jaehyun

"oh Y/N...I saw your grades. Thought you would be a great help"

Thanks to Yeonjun, your grades were doing well.

"what about your grades?"

"let's not talk about that."

"hey Y/N"

Yeonjun walked over towards you

"if you need any help, you can just ask me"


Before you could complete your sentence, Ava grabbed Jaehyun's shirt and dragged him with her, bumping her shoulder against yours.


"I told you! Keep her away from him!"

"I did-"

"no! They talked!"

"well of course-"

"I don't want that to happen"

Jaehyun sighed

"alright won't happen again"

"thanks Jae. I owe you"

"yeah you do. You gotta buy me lunch every day"

"damn you're annoying"

"that's my job"

"ugh...but keep them away from each other."

"don't worry I will"


"what happened?"

You ask Jaehyun as he walks towards you


You looked over to see Ava talking to Yeonjun which boiled your blood.

"let's just finish this experiment or whatever."

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