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For the last two months, you couldn't talk with Yeonjun properly. It's cause Jaehyun would pull you with him, asking for your help with your studies. You never questioned that every time you went near Yeonjun, Jaehyun would interrupt you.

You saw that Yeonjun and Ava had already gotten close. You would get jealous but Jaehyun would just joke around to which your smile would return.

Jaehyun LOVED your smile. It warmed his heart. He would keep you away from Yeonjun not because Ava told him to so, but cause his heart told to.


JH: wanna hang out at the park???

Y/N: sure

JH: I'll pick u up at 5


The two of you were at the park. Jaehyun was pushing the swing lightly on which you were sitting.

"so you like Yeonjun?"

You had got your mind off Yeonjun for the past week. You slightly got annoyed when Jaehyun mentioned him but you still liked him.


Jaehyun regretted asking you this but still asked you more.

"why do you like him?"

"well, he's just...rare. Most guys you'll find today are just disgusting. I'm not talking about you okay."

He just hmmed.

"him...he's a guy who reads books, wears glasses, a little shy personality. I don't know just a dream guy every girl wants."

"you'll be happy if you date him?"

"more than happy"

Jaehyun's heart broke into million pieces. Jaehyun was a guy who didn't believe in loveuntil he saw you smile.

It was like your smile matched his high standards. Well, fuck the standards he was attracted to you.

After it became dark, he dropped you home and started walking towards his. He stopped him the midway and decided to call Ava.

"hey, Jae"

"we gotta meet"


"Is everything okay?"

Ava asked him worriedly

"I think you should give up on Yeonjun"


"y'know Y/N loves him"


"but she- "

He exhaled

"I won't stop them from being together."

"Why are you suddenly acting like this?!?!"


"why are you caring about- like her don't you."

He sighed, avoiding eye contact.

"you're being possessive Ava."


"this is just pathetic..."

He shook his head and walked away. Ava tried to stop him but words won't come out of her mouth. She realized that this wasn't right.

10:05 p.m.


YJ: heyy

YJ: how have you been?

Y/N: I'm good Yeonjun wbu

YJ: I'm good too

YJ: I'm sorry


As soon as you read that "I'm sorry" text from Yeonjun, you called him.

"hey Yeonjun..."

"I'm sorry Y/N...I'm sorry that I spent more time with Ava than you."


"ugh this is so pathetic...will you please forgive me?"

"I forgive you Yeonjun...and I'm sorry too. I spent more time with Jaehyun."

"hah we're even then and you're forgiven"

"Okie then...take me to a restaurant and buy me food"

"haha okay"

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