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For the past few days, you have been Yeonjun more than Jaehyun. Jaehyun and Ava also don't talk much.

When Yeonjun asked about you and Jaehyun, you unknowingly stuttered. When he asked you more questions teasingly, you might just have realized that you had fallen for Jaehyun.


After classes, you rushed over to Jaehyun. He kept walking with his backpack straps on one shoulder.


"let's stay away from each other"

"What? Why?"

"I just...find you annoying."

Jaehyun couldn't handle the thought of you being with some other guy so he just...avoided you.


7:05 p.m.

Jaehyun was just sitting on the stairs in some dark place. He almost screamed when he felt an arm on his shoulder.


"hah sorry"

She sat beside him and sighed

"I miss you"

She says as he looks at her

"what you said that were right. I'm sorry"

" was about time we fought"


She said as she lightly nudged his shoulder, both chuckled

"and what about Yeon-"

"he has a boyfriend"

"I see...wait-"



Ava knew this was wrong. She was going to confess to Yeonjun today but dropped the plan. But there was nothing wrong with being just friends.

Yeonjun asked if they could just hang out at the park and she agreed.


For some reason, Ava felt that she should apologise. But she was cut off by another guy


"oh hey babe"


"ah yes. Ava this is my boyfriend, Soobin."


"does Y/N know?"

Jaehyun asks

"of course idiot. Yeonjun is her best friend"


"and he told me that Y/N likes someone"




"just go and confess to her already!"



JH: hey

JH: Can we pls meet

JH: pls pls pls

JH: at the park!


He even called you saying it was urgent.

You both rushed to the park. As you both reached there at the same time and stopped at a distance from each other, lightly panting.

He then let out a fake cough and scratched the back of his neck looking away.


He then took a deep breath and started.

"I'm sorry. What I said back there about you being annoying...was not true"

He walked closer to you still avoiding eye contact

"you liked I just avoided you....cause I like you! A-and you said that you would be happy with him so I-"

He exhaled

"I'm sorry, Y/N"

He noticed that you didn't say anything after and looked at you. You had your hand covering your mouth , controlling your laugh.


"I'm sorry were jealous and you look so cute oh my gosh!"

You laughed harder

"not funny!"

You kept laughing. He slightly smirked before he got an idea of using a pickup line from a kdrama.

"stop before I kiss you!"

You thought he was joking and kept laughing

"okay try me! Hahaha"

He then held your shoulder, his face so close to yours.

"I wasn't joking but...can I still kiss you?"

You smiled and nodded once

He leaned in and kissed you

"jeAlOusY iS a DisEasE"


She laughed and walked closer to you two

"and...sorry Y/N...for the drama I created bUT at least you have a boyfriend now haha...I'm sorry still"

"I forgive you"

You said smiling. She put one arm around your shoulder and the other around Jaehyun's.

"okay! Now Jaehyun, buy us ice cream"

"what- why m-"

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