Chapter 8: Looking for answers

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(Y/N)=Your Name

(BF/N)=Best Friend's Name


Y/N: Uhhhh.....crap...

I said as I turned around only to see Lydia totally shocked.

Lydia: How did yo-

Y/N: I'll explain later, we have to go

I said before Lydia finished speaking.

I took her hand and started to lead her towards the exit of the arcade.

When we finally got out, Lydia and I waited for BF/N and Jenna at the entrance to the arcade.

I turned to look at Lydia and saw that she was blushing.

I was confused wondering why? until I realized that we were still holding hands.

I let go of her hand as fast as I could and blushed deeply.

Y/N: Forgive me I-I didn't mean to... I just wanted to..... Ugh, forgive me

I said completely nervous trying not to look at her directly

Lydia: I-It's okay, don't worry

She also said a little nervous as she tried to calm me down

We both stood in silence looking at opposite sides totally embarrassed.

Lydia: Y/N, can I tell you something?

I recovered from the embarrassing moment and turned around to look at Lydia.

Y/N: Yeah?

She thought for a while until she sighed and spoke.

Lydia: I was wondering if you would-

Jenna: There you are!

Lydia was interrupted by Jenna as she and BF/N walked towards us.

Jenna: We're looking for you all over the arcade

Y/N: Yeah, about that...something happened and we had to leave

BF/N: What happened?

Y/N: I'll tell you later

Jenna: Well, it's getting late, I think we should go...

BF/N: Wait, don't you want to go get something to eat?

Jenna: Lydia and I already ate but thanks for asking

Y/N: In that case, let's go

I said as the four of us walked towards the exit of the mall until I remembered that Lydia wanted to ask me something.

I turned slowly to look at her and spoke to her.

Y/N: Hey Lydia, did you want to ask me something?

Lydia looked at me and answered.

Lydia: Oh uhmm... no, forget it...

She said a little sad

I looked at her sadly because if it wasn't for Jenna, Lydia would have talked to me.

Lydia: Oh, I almost forgot, here

She said as she handed me the shopping bag with the computer and phones.

Y/N: Thanks Lydia

I replied while giving her a smile, causing her to smile back at me.


After leaving the mall and saying goodbye to Lydia and Jenna, BF/N and I walked towards our house until BF/N spoke.

BF/N: Can you explain to me why you and Lydia left the arcade so quickly?

Y/N: Oh yeah uhmm.....let's just say we had a problem

BF/N: What kind of problem?

Y/N: Maybe and just maybe... I broke one of the machines causing a ball to break a bell

BF/N: You mean that game to test strength?

Y/N: Yes

BF/N: Wow, something similar happened to me but... with a person

Y/N: You kill someone!?

BF/N started laughing at my reaction.

BF/N: I didn't mean that, I beat someone in a dance game, he got mad at me and tried to hit me

Y/N: And...?

BF/N: Tripped and fell into a dumpster

I burst out laughing when BF/N said that.

BF/N: And best of all, everything was recorded

Y/N: God, you have to show me the video

BF/N: Calm down, I'll do it


We got home and the first thing BF/N did was take the computer out of the bag to set it up right away.

I just looked at him with a smile because I knew he would do that and I just went for my new phone to distract myself for a while.

(Timeskip... again)

After BF/N set up the computer, I went to my room and started looking for the USB in my clothes.

I quickly remembered that I put it in the pocket of one of my pants, found it and went to give it to BF/N.


I was on the computer until Y/N came with the USB, he handed it to me and we quickly sat down together to find out what was inside.

Suddenly, the notification that the USB has been connected to the computer came out, I took a deep breath and opened it.

We realized that there were several files but one that said "serum x" caught our attention (I know, very original XD) I clicked on it and we started reading

(Boring Timeskip)

After reading, Y/N and I looked at each other speechlessly, until I recovered and decided to break the ice.

BF/N: So... our parents injected us with a serum that gave us "powers"

Y/N: I..... think so...

I couldn't stop thinking about what I just said.

BF/N: That explains why we have this strength, intelligence and ability to fight

Y/N: Yeah...

We were both silent for a few seconds until I spoke.

BF/N: Well..... we are literally living in a world where the only inhabitants are anthropomorphic animals so I'm not surprised

Y/N: Same..... so... now we have powers all thanks to our parents

BF/N: Honestly, I feel like I'm seven years old again. I watched superheroes on TV and thought about how it would feel to be one

Y/N and I started laughing until we realized that it was already night and we decided to go to sleep.

I took my new phone and started walking towards my room.

As I closed the door behind me, I remembered that today was Friday, so I started playing games on my new phone until I fell asleep.

As I played, I began to whisper to myself.

BF/N: Wow, we went to school, we fought a bully, we made two new friends, we went to a mall to buy phones and a computer and finally we played in an arcade which Jenna and I had so much fun at... Ugh, I'm still thinking about what she said to me and the beautiful way she smiled at me.....wait...

Today's chapter ends here, with nothing more to say, I'm running out of ideas for a final phrase and I'll see you in chapter 9.

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